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~~Video is not mine... the video belongs to Lamunan anyway enjoy the chapter XD~~


~~Time skip~~


When I went to turn my light out and lay down I couldn't fall asleep, I just kept thinking of that boy that barely made it to class on time.


~~Time skip one week~~


School has been in session for only a week and all of my sensei's have given out progress reports, and none of my grades are good, passing but still not an improvement. All the grades I have, pass but I once again made borderline. Mitski tapped my shoulder to see my grade card and she just covered her mouth trying to muffle a laugh. I held a straight face and just stared at her and was about to say something but was cut off by our homeroom sensei telling us to head to our first period.

After telling my best friend bye I went to my first period. During class, the only thought I had was about the boy that I now knew as Yuuma. The only way I knew his name was over-hearing several squealing girls in hallways as well as in the math class. Throughout the class, I barely made any progress with my assignment which unfortunately gave me homework. After going through both classes with an unfocused mind it finally became lunch hour. When I got to the lunch room I noticed Mitski sitting in our usual spot. I head over to her and scare her since she made fun of my grades in homeroom.

"Holy crap!! What did I say about sneaking up on me?!" she nearly screamed. "Well, next time don't laugh at my grades, you know you have nearly the same grades I do." I retorted with a laugh. We sat the whole lunch hour talking and teasing each other about nonsense. The bell rang releasing us to head to third period like usual and both mitski and I head to our art class that we both love so much. When we get there I notice that instead of the easels, tables are set up with big bags of neutral colored clay for groups of people share. We both have our usual grins and we dash to a table to claim as ours.

During our class, we were allowed to be creative with the clay while the sensei gave us pointers on how to make a decent piece of clay artwork. After class I was able to finish a few different things while Mitski made a single sculpture of her favorite anime character, She was a good artist after all. The same repetitive bell goes off sending us to the worst class of all time, 'Math'. I loath going to this class, the only part I enjoyed about it was the fact Yuuma had shared this class. I wasn't sure what was going on with me since I haven't felt this way about anyone.

The bell had finally gone off signaling tardies and the pink haired rebel himself walk through the door with a sour look on his face, As soon as he entered my heart began to beat faster and I could have sworn a slight blush had appeared on my face when he walked in since I felt my face get a bit hot. I averted my gaze away from him so our eyes had no chance of meeting and while I did that the sensei scolded him for not showing up sooner, then class had started. What made my heart sink was that the only seat that was available was the one in front of me, so now I have to look at the back of his head the entire hour and a half till school is let out for the day.

The entire class my mind was anywhere but the lesson and I also held a pink face while at it. After class, I was the first one to leave and head to my locker where I would wait for my friend. 'She's gonna be mad I left her but I don't wanna bump into him' I thought while my face was growing to a deeper shade of pink. I waited by the lockers so Mitski could catch up to me but when she got there she had the scariest look on her face. 'Uh oh' was all I thought then she ran up to me and punched me in my right arm close to the shoulder. "Ow! Yes I know I deserve it for leaving you behind don't worry I won't do it again." I quickly apologized before she had a chance to scream at me.Instead of us going our separate ways to our own homes Mitski had tagged along with me to my house so we could hang out.

~~Time skip to the house~~

When we walked through the front door my mom yelled a 'welcome home' and gave her a reply. Both of us went up to my room and did our homework. "So, (y/n) what was wrong with you in math, you never turn colors like that." she said with an evil grin. "You like Yuuma don't you!" she screamed almost to the top of her lungs. 'Great now I have to live with the little food monster teasing me about this' I thought to myself while trying to get her to stop yelling.

"Look I don't want you telling anyone, I don't want him to know and besides I don't think I actually like Yuuma like that so please." I pleaded with the devil herself. She always would do anything to torture me but I knew she always cared for me, ironically. she was asking for a bargain so I told her that I would buy her any kind of food or drink that she wanted the next time we head to the store, but who knows how long her choice of food or drink would last. She promised to keep my secret so had was satisfied with hearing that. 

It had gotten late and my mom had called both of us downstairs for dinner. My dad walked through the door and saw that Mitski was over for dinner. "Well, I was wondering when the monster would be over to eat dinner." He said with a small laugh. "Come on give me a break it isn't my fault I like food." she said in defense. We all sat down and ate and then out of the blue she blurts out my secret about me liking Yuuma. "Well, (y/n) likes a boy in our math class." she said with her normal evil smile. I choke on my food coughing "W-what!!!" 

My mom and dad both look shocked for a split second then my mom gets extremely happy and starts asking all kinds from 'who is he' to 'what is he like' all I could I did was blush and put my hands up to my face to hide it. 'Why the hell did she tell them! I thought we had a deal?!?' I thought and all I could hear was an evil laughter from Mitski.


Second chapter is still a little bit slow but it will pick up in the next chapter... hopefully you enjoyed... don't forget to vote and comment... luv you guys!!!!!!!! Also sorry for any typos!!!

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