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{ long chapter prepare to binge read}


He paid for the entrance fee and he took my hand and we went inside.


When we went inside my heart was racing out of excitement. I grabbed yuuma by the arm and went to a stand that was in the front before you get to any rides. "You seem to be happy." Yuuma said with a smile. "I'm so happy. I haven't been to a theme park since I was a little kid and I wasn't old enough to ride much." I explained. I grabbed yuuma and have him a big hug as a thank you and picked up a park map from the stand to see where all the rides were located.

"So yuuma, do you want to get something to eat or start with the rides?" I questioned. "We should wait an hour before we eat, unless you're hungry-" I cut him off pulling him by the arm to the rollercoaster section of the park. There was several rollercoasters that I thought was fun and yuuma seemed unsure if he wanted to get on one. I giggled with the scared expression he had on his face and pulled him to the closest one, which was a wooden rollercoaster with no loops. We waited in line for nearly ten minutes and we finally made it to the front. The noise from the coaster was so loud that even if you yelled to the top of your lungs no one would hear you.

When the coaster made its way around and stopped for the previous riders to get out, the gates for new riders open and I went and sat in the left seat and yuuma sat in the right. I gathered yuuma's loose items such his hat, wallet, and phone. I also took my loose things out and put them in a cubby so they don't get lost while we ride. The attendant walked around checking all safety straps and bars before the coaster shoots off. Right when the coaster shot off yuuma gripped my hand and the lap bar. As the coaster climbed the incline of the track the adrenaline in our bodies rose, then the coaster shoots around the track, Twisting and turning. After the ride was over and we got off, we both collected our loose items and left.

"Hey yuuma? You okay?" I asked seeing him look a bit ill. "Yeah I think it might be the ride." I walk closer and rub his back, "Maybe your hungry, we should eat anyway it's getting close to lunch." I said with a smile. He nods  and I pull the map out my back pocket and unfold it. I notice there were a few different places that sold quick foods and we start walking to the closest one. While we were walking I notice yuuma looking a little worse so I pull him to a bench that was near a smoking zone to sit. "Yuuma are you sick?" I asked with worry. "What makes you think that." After he spoke he started to cough. "Your sick! Why did we come here if you were ill." I said freaking out. "Because I wanted to see you happy, that's why and besides I thought it was only a cough."

I asked for a few dollars to get him a drink from the nearby shop. When I payed for a large cup of water I made my way back to the bench to find yuuma looking worse. His skin was no longer the same colour, he looked almost like a ghost. I kneeled in front of him and lifted his head up so I could see his face. "Here, drink some water then we're leaving." I said with a Stern tone. "But-" "No, your sick and you look worse now, and I'm calling my mom." I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and called my mom then I helped yuuma to his feet and went over the exit of the park. My father pulled up about thirty minutes of waiting and I helped yuuma get in the car. "So, are we dropping him off at home or taking him to his house?" "He can come over to the house and I can help him." I said with a small blush appearing on my cheeks.

When we pull in the yard I step out and help yuuma. I wrapped his arm around my shoulders and walked to the front door where my father was holding the door open for me then he left to go back to work. I brought him up to my room so he could lay down. When I put him on the bed I pull his jacket off and his hat then lay him back on the bed. I run out my room to get a thermometer to check his temperature and just what I thought he was sick. His temperature rose to 101.3° and I went to put the thermometer away and grab a cold, wet rag to put on his head for the fever. "Why did you want me to come here? You could have just taken me to my house." "Why would I want to do that. This is still our day right. So why not." I said blushing.

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