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Once I finished with my shower I brushed my hair and teeth and went to bed, but before I fell asleep I got a text from. Someone.


When I looked at the text it said it was from yuuma? I read the text and it said 'see you tomorrow' when I went to sleep I could feel a smile on my face.

~~next day~~

When I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off I had a smile on my face just as I did last night. I turned off the alarm clock and jumped out of bed and walked to my closet for a clean uniform. I went on throughout the rest of the morning doing what I normally do to ready myself for school. Once finished I dashed out the door and noticed that yuuma, masami, and Mitski were outside my house waiting and we all walked to school. When we arrived we all said goodbye but I couldn't keep eye contact with yuuma. We all went our separate ways to our own classes, The entire morning I couldn't stop smiling from what had happened, it embarrassed me sure but I knew that I hadn't technically confessed. He just found a note that I forgot to throw away, again.

For the rest of class I kept trying to snap myself out of my daze  but I was never successful since I just kept going back but I was somehow able to complete the assignments that were given. After the two classes were over it finally became lunch hour. My heart started racing when that bell rang since I felt a little awkward around yuuma at the moment and didn't really want to eat near him but I didn't want to be rude either. When I finally made it to the cafeteria I seen Mitski with yuuma and masami. But the strange thing was Mitski held an evil smirk while talking to masami and yuuma had a flushed face.

When I get over to the table masami jumps out of her seat and starts fangirling about me and yuuma. "Oh my god! So are you officially a couple or not!? You two would look so cute together!" When masami was jumping around me and asking all sorts of questions I pull her to the table and force her to sit down. Unfortunately I sat next to yuuma since masami made me. "You just had to tell her didn't you Mitski." "Yep, had to get my revenge some how and it's only the beginning." I started to get worried but masami just kept asking if we were officially a couple and I just put my head down on the table out of frustration. 'Now thanks to mitski masami won't hush.' I thought. I guess yuuma noticed me getting irritated by the questions and he blurted out something that I thought he would never say. "Yes we are officially a couple." I looked up and seen a smirk grow on his face, mine on the other hand just grew pink blush. "Aww look at (y/n) she's blushing." Masami said. When I looked over at mitski her jaw dropped open.

The bell interrupted what we were doing and we all started walking to class. "Yuuma if your official prove it. Hold (y/n)'s hand on the way to class." Mitski smirked. Yuuma grabbed my hand and my face shot a bright red. "You happy now." All I could hear from Mitski was annoyance since her plans weren't working. When we got to class I noticed that Oliver was sitting at the same table as before. That's when my blush went away and I grew my own smirk, "So mitski, why don't you and masami go sit with Oliver today. He needs new friends after all." Masami nodded and dragged a blushing Mitski by the arm over to that table. "She really is a handful isn't she." Yuuma said breaking the awkwardness in the air. "Yeah, but we've been friends since we were little and I could never grow to hate her, so I just go along with her schemes." I said with a smile.

Both yuuma and I walked over to another table and sat down. "So uh yuuma, why did you tell masami that we were you know official?" I said with a blush. I heard him laugh a little bit before telling me, "well maybe it's true, maybe I do wanna go out with you. So (y/n) will you go out with me?" He had smirk on his face and I was probably looking like a tomato. My heart was pounding with that question, it was what I wanted but I never felt this way about anyone before and I knew that I wanted to say yes but I felt frozen stiff. "Hey (y/n), are you okay?" He said waving his hand in front of my face. "Oh uh y-yeah why?" He laughed a little bit and asked again but not with his smirk but with a very kind smile. "Uh yeah" I finally gave him my answer and I could feel intense heat in my face. He gave me a big hug and I heard a fangirl sqeal coming from masami then the bell rang and class went the same, other than my occasional glances over to Mitski and masami's table and noticed how cute and awkward Mitski was being around Oliver. I would also take a few quick glances at yuuma and found he was smiling at me every time I looked and it made my heart beat speed up.

After the bell rang the class cleaned up art supplies and yuuma and I waited for the other two to finish. We all walked to math together and yuuma was holding my hand again. When we made made it to the classroom I notice fukase in the same seat, my seat and yuuma just pulled me to where he sits, which is near the back and next to the window. I put my things away on the desk and sat down with yuuma next to me. Through the whole class yuuma had to help me a little bit, well more like a lot on the assignment but we were able to finish.

~~time skip~~

When we left school the four of us split up and went to our own homes, except yuuma, He walked with me to my house for another tutor session. When we finally got home my mom wasn't here to greet me like normal. I walked into the kitchen and found a note and it read.
            Sorry I'm not here to greet you when you walk in the door but I had to run some errands. I don't know when I will be home but I love you and keep the house tidy. Call me if you need me to get anything you want while I'm out.
                                          Love, mom

"So where is your mom?" I jumped a little bit since yuuma wrapped his arms around my waist while saying that. My face turned beet red, "S-she had to uh run a f-few errands is all." Yuuma laughed at my stuttering and just called me adorable. He dragged me up to my room and we began the long hours of studying the evil subject of math.

~~2 hour time skip~~

After so long with the stupid math book in front of me I tossed it on the floor. "Why did you do that?" Yuuma said in confusion. "Cause I'm done studying, my brain hurts from all the numbers." I said laying back on my bed stretching. Yuuma got out of his chair and sat next to me and grabbed my hand. "Y-yuuma?" I said lifting my head off the bed. "You know, im gonna take you on a date day after tomorrow. How does that sound since were officially a couple." He said with that super cute​ closed-eyed smile of his. "Uhm y-yeah that would be nice." I said with a smile and a blush on my face.

My mom finally came home and made dinner, we all ate and my father took yuuma to his house. Me and my mother had a small coversation while we cleaned and afterwards I made my way to my room. I did my normal routine before bed then went to lay down. I grabbed my phone and seen that there was a text from yuuma. I grinned from ear to ear and it read 'goodnight​ sleep well, see you at school tomorrow❤.' I replied with a goodnight​ and heart emoji and let darkness take over.

Another chapter!! Not as interesting but reader-chan and yuuma are now a couple!! Hope you liked it anyways and I will be trying to make more interesting chapters from here on out so just bear with the slightly boring ones!!! Sorry for typos

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