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Before finally passing out from tears again one thought came to my mind, 'I love you yuuma.' then darkness took over.


It's been a few weeks since the punishment my parents and yuuma's parents put on us on and I have barely made any progress, that's what I thought anyways. I woke up to the usual then went to school where I would be able to see yuuma and my other friends. My father drives me to school like he's been doing and when I get there I see yuuma, Mitski, and masami by the gate. I wave my father a goodbye and make my way over to my friends, "Hey guys!" I chirped. "Well someone's in a good mood." Masami piped up. "Yeah, today is the progress report distribution and I want to know how long I am forced to stay at home." "That's negative." I glare at mitski and she just giggles.

Walking into the school, the four of us split up and head to homeroom for our progress reports​. When I get inside I notice that me and Mitski made it on time. We took our seats as the Sensei calls students one by one. When I hear my name my hear sinks out of nervousness, I go up and take the piece of paper from her and sit down back in my desk. I unfold the paper and look at the four grades I have and I started to get really happy. "So watcha make (y/n)?" I flash my friend a big smile, "I'm passing now!" I cheered. I handed her the report card and she read it out loud for only me to hear.

Chemistry- B+
CP English- B-
Fine arts- A-
Algebra 2- C+

She cheered along with me, both knowing that my parents will lift the punishment. Then the bell rang cutting both our silent cheers and replacing them with groans. Both Mitski and I left the room to head to first period, when I get to chemistry the Sensei pulls me over to my desk and starts encouraging me to continue on making my grade grow. "(Y/n) your a very intelligent girl, you have the capability to reach an A in this class. You should put forth the effort, I'm sure not only you will be happy but who knows how your guardian will feel." She says with a big smile. She says that I should take my seat since class was starting​.

When I take my seat I pull my notes out to start. Throughout class I payed attention since her words of encouragement made me want to push myself, so I did. I ended up having Homework to do and I didn't mind this time. After the class I went to my second class which flew by and luckily I wasn't piling the homework on. When lunch finally came I was overjoyed, not only was I going to get to show yuuma my grades but I was going to get to see him smile since my grades rose tremendously​. When I walked over to the table they were sitting at I get tackled into a bear hug by Mitski. "Uhm Mitski?" she lets go and then yuuma engulfs me into a tight hug.

When we sit down I pull out the progress report and hand it to yuuma. When he unfolds the paper his eyes grew wide. "What is it?" "I can't believe this. You were able to do it? I'm so happy!" Then he tackles me into another hug. While we ate we all talked about what was going to happen on winter break that was just around the corner. After the bell went off all four of us walk together to class and we unfortunately have to separate when we get there due to seating arrangements. I of course went and sat with masami and oliver, which was on the opposite side of the room from yuuma and Mitski.

While I was in art I was talking with masami and oliver, "So, Oliver who do you like that you've met here?" I questioned with an evil smirk. "U-UHM?" He stuttered growing red. "It's ok we won't say anything, we will encourage you to follow your heart and ask them out." Masami says sweetly. "So, who is it?" I questioned again. All he could do was point to a girl on the other side of the room. That's when I grew my own ideas about the matter. After class I walked over to Mitski and whispered something in her ear, "he likes you too." Her face grew cherry red and she punched my arm.

"Ow! What's that for?" I laughed at her reaction. "You know very well why I did that, don't meddle (y/n)!" "Oh really... Says the one that tried really hard to set me and yuuma up." I smirked. She must've known where this was going so she darted out of the room to avoid confrontation about it. Time flew by in math since I was able to actually work even if it wasn't on my own choice but I still did. After school was over I met up with the others and we walked out of the school, as usual my father was parked by the gate waiting for me. "Wish me luck. Hopefully these grades are good enough to lift the grounding." I said while giving yuuma a hug and then I went and got in the car with my father.

"So, how was school (y/n)?" "It was awesome! We got our progress reports today and I hope they're good enough!" I said happily. "Well, your mother and I have something to talk to you about, just keep an open mind and hear us all the way out." I was confused as to why he sounded so sad and sympathetic but I just let it pass. When we pulled up to the house me and my father went inside, taking our shoes off at the door. When we make it all the way inside I notice my mother with a very upset look on her face. What they say next made my heart shatter and I wasn't able to say anything. All I did was drop my school bag.

“ψ(`∇´)ψ CLIFFHANGER!!!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter... Sorry for any typos as usual ^^

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