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When he walks over to my desk to my desk to grab my chair but stops abruptly and looks at something on the desktop. "Uh yuuma? You okay?" When he turns to face me he has wide eyes. That's when I remembered what was on my desk and my face flushed to a very deep red.


He holds the piece of paper that was on my desk that I had accidentally left. "What is this?" I didn't answer, I just covered my face with my hands so he wouldn't see my blushing face. Yuuma walks over to me and grabs my hands away from my face. "Why was there a love note to me on your desk?" He said with a soft tone. I look up at him and tried to tell him, but no words were leaving my mouth and without me knowing, I was crying. When I realized I was yuuma was wiping the tears from my cheek.

"It's okay, we all have our secrets right." He says attempting to make me feel better. He startles me by pulling me into a tight hug. "U-uhm y-yuuma what are you doing​, this isn't helping." He pulled away and I seen a smug look on his face 'this is a new expression.' I thought to myself afraid to know what was going through his mind. "So, I guess it didn't help since you like me, right?" All I did as a reaction was put my hands up to my face and that's when I heard a fit of laughter coming from yuuma. When I pull my hands away I see that he's clutching his stomach while laughing. 'What the hell? What's so funny?' I thought. "Uh yuuma, should you be teaching me math instead of laughing like a mad man?" I said to him, he agrees getting up from where he collapsed and wiped a tear from his eye. He grabbed the desk chair and swung it around the bed so he could sit on it.

~~2 hour time skip~~

I was starting to lose my patience with this subject and just wanted to tear the textbook up and walk away. Sadly knowing that if I did that I would get in alot of trouble. I looked at the math problem and nothing was clicking, "look it's not as hard as your making it. Read the problem aloud and look closer." He instructed calmly. "Uh ok but how are you not frustrated with this yet? I know I can't be easy to teach." I said with a hint of frustration. "Well, I think it's kinda funny that your having trouble with the easy stuff." He said laughing a little bit. I puffed my cheeks and crossed me arms.

"Can we please take a break, this is worse than sitting in class listening​ to the normal lecture." I said pleading. "It can't be that bad, after all I'm not the Sensei now am I." I blushed since he got really close to my face. "Y-yuuma your really close." I said trying to back in the furthest corner of my bed. He laughed and backed up, "You can be really funny when your like that." If my face could get any redder it did. "Hey! That's not funny!" I yelled. "It's not my fault​ that you were thinking weirdly about that." He said through his laughing. I got up from the bed and walked towards the door, not telling him what I was doing. When I opened the door I heard a very familiar voice, Mitski.

I shut the door quickly but quietly. "Weren't you going somewhere." "Mitski." Was all I managed to say. He must have noticed my facial expression and laughed at that too since I had slight fear written all over my face. That's when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. When she got to my door she opened the door and her facial expression was that same evil look. "So, what's going on here hmm." She said with a smug look on her face. "You already know what was going on, you're in my math class." I said bluntly. "So, did you tell him?" She said with her grin still plastered to her face.

I look over at yuuma then at mitski and said 'no' Mitski laughed and called me liar. Yuuma was covering his laughs and all I could think was, 'what is wrong with them?' Mitski must have noticed the paper that had a half written love note and went over to grab it. When she looked it over she bursted out laughing. "So, y-yuuma you know don't you." She said between laughs. "Yeah I do, why do you find it funny though? You have a crush on that Oliver kid in our art class, plus it explains why she was acting weird but you were the one dressing her up the whole time we had that project together." He retorted. When he said that it was my turn to laugh, mitski's reaction to yuuma talking about Oliver was priceless. During all our laughter my mom called all of us down for dinner.

When we made it down yuuma followed with his books in his hands. "Where are you going sweetie?" My mother asked him. "I'm heading home, she can't get anymore information anyways." He said with a smirk looking at me. "I want you to stay for dinner, I made plenty for everyone and my husband can take you home." Yuuma looked at me confused and I mouthed 'just listen to her' to him and he set his books on the coffee table in the living area and walked back to the kitchen. We were all helping set the table up for dinner and as if on que my father walked in. My mother greeted him and he came to the table.

While we ate my mother blurted out "So are you 'the' yuuma my daughter talks so much about?" When that question left her mouth my face shoots to an extremely bright red. Mitski couldn't​ help but laugh and yuuma seemed to get a little flustered being put on the 'spot' by my mom. "Yea you got the right yuuma" Mitski said as she laughed. "Mom!" I shouted. "Oh, that's right you told me he didn't know, oops." she said with a smile. "You did that on purpose, didn't you mom." I asked bluntly. She nodded and then I decided to get some sort of revenge on Mitski. "Well, I'm not the only one at this table with a crush. Mitski likes someone too." Then my mother asked her normal questions. Mitski gave me a death glare and yuuma looked a little shocked and flushed every time the word 'crush' came up. 'I wonder what's going through his mind to be so worried over a small word?' I questioned myself.

After dinner and all the chaos my father took both yuuma and Mitski home while my mother and I cleaned up dinner dishes. After that I went upstairs to my room and grabbed some clothes to take a shower. Once I finished with my shower I brushed my hair and teeth and went to bed, but before I fell asleep I got a text from someone.

Hope you liked the chapter sorry for neglecting the story but here it is finally (=^-ω-^=) don't forget to vote and comment, luv u all for reading this... Srry if there are any spelling mistakes XD and I left u on a small cliffhanger!!!

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