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I cleaned up the mess from earlier and went to my room to get ready for bed, then I lay down and fall into a deep sleep.


The next morning I woke up to Mitski once again jumping on my bed waking me up, "Why are you trying to wake me up now, we don't have school so whyyyy." I whined not wanting to get up. "Well, we have a date with art now get up. We do still have to finish the project." She beamed with joy and a little bit of evil. She pulled me off my bed by my arms and left me standing there dumbfounded. When she came back into my room she had the girliest outfit I had ever seen. The skirt was pleated and was a light shade of pink with a little bow around the waist. The top was a pure white with no sleeves but was accompanied with a very light shade of blue for the sweater. The shoes were a pink almost to a white and I was given socks that didn't even reach my knees.

"Here! You're wearing this. This will surely get Yuuma to at least acknowledge your beauty!" She said with her head held high. "Why are you so hung up on this anyway?" I asked with a drowsy and irritated voice. "I'm not wearing that you know I hate the color pink. You, on the other hand, love anything like that so why do you want me to wear that?" "Duh, what if  he likes a girl in pink?" She said with a weird glow. After our little debate, I finally gave in and took the outfit from her to get dressed.

~~time skip~~

After the whole situation at the house of what I was wearing, we finally made it to the park where our partners were waiting for us. We made our way to our locations and the weird thing was, is that Yuuma made eye contact with me and I quickly averted my gaze away from him. After we met up with our partners Mitski mouthed a 'good luck' and they disappeared to their spots.

Both Yuuma and I sat down at the bench we normally sit at and pulled out our sketchbooks and finished our sketching. We sat there for about thirty minutes before Yuuma spoke up, "So I take it that she also made you wear that for some unknown reason." He spoke never taking his eyes off his paper. 'Is he starting to notice that I have feelings for him? Please don't let it be that?!' "Uhm well she is random-" "Both of you have been acting weird ever since we were paired up on this project plus she's making you wear pink clothes when last weekend you wore darker clothes. So what's going on?" I could feel an intense gaze on me when he said that.

"W-well uhm you see she when has her heart set on something she follows through with it and well I promised I would keep it a secret and wouldn't tell, I do keep my promises. Just ignore it and it should stop soon." I regretted saying the last bit since I really care for him. The way he talks and the way he loses himself in his art. I wanted to tell him the truth but he would just shut me down like all the girls before me.

After spending hours at the park drawing we both gave each other 'goodbyes' and we parted. When I finally reached my house I noticed that there weren't any lights on so Mitski hasn't made it back. I went inside and put everything away that I had taken with me. Then I reached in my art bag and took my phone out and noticed I had a text from the devil.

From:Mitski To:(y/n)
            Thought I would let you know that I am staying with Masami tonight... Plz DNT hate me were nearly done and she has really nice watercolour paints we could use... Hope you had fun with Yuuma ^~^

After looking at her text I just replied to her 'be safe and I'll see you tomorrow' then I tossed my phone on my bed and went downstairs to get something to eat. After I ate (f/f), I went back to my room and I played some (f/music) and started to write a love letter that would help get my feelings out.

        I wish I could express my feelings for you in person but I just don't have the guts to do so. Every time I think of you my heart races, I feel completely weak when I'm around you. The reason I haven't told you about how I feel is I have noticed that Everytime a girl confesses their feelings for you, you turn them down. I guess I was scared of rejection and I wasn't looking for a heartbreak....

'Why am I writing such a dumb letter for, it's not like I'll give it to him.' I take the unfinished letter and crumpled it up and toss it in the trash. 'Hopefully, Mitski doesn't look in the trash for any signs of a half finished love note.' after writing a pointless note I get up from my desk and go to grab a pair of sleep shorts and a large t-shirt for bed. I go to the bathroom to get washed up and get dressed then I head back to my room and lay down for the night.

Sorry the chapter is so short but I felt as though I had to update since updates for the next few weeks will be slow... Either way, I really hope you enjoyed the chapter ^~^ also sorry for any spelling errors

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