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We both decided to draw different bits of that to combine the two. We both sat there sketching then yuuma asks me a weird question that almost makes me laugh.


When Yuuma asks me his weird question it made me want to laugh in order to cover up my secret. "Why did Mitski try that weird romantic setting yesterday. Does she know something that I don't?" He asked looking at me with his nonchalant attitude. "Well I actually don't know myself, Mitski will be herself no matter what and when she sets her heart on something she intends to do it. So there's that" I say with a nervous attitude.

I can feel his stare plastered to me and it starts to make me a little uncomfortable. I know that he was trying to figure something out and I knew I had to keep some distance if I wanted to keep my secret but I did enjoy being near him. After what felt like an hour of drawing I took my phone out to look at the time and my phone read 4:46. I looked over at Yuuma and asked if I could see what he drew so far and my mouth dropped open. "What?" He asked straight forward. "Well, uh it's just that's actually a lot better than I thought. You don't really look like the artist type so." The boy that I had a crush on just looked at me in confusion and I just waved a never mind to him.

"So, Yuuma do you want to stop here for now and pick back up tomorrow. At the pace we're going we'll be done with the assignment early." I said with a closed-eyed smile. "Sure I have to be heading home soon anyway I have to help my parents with a few things so I guess we can meet up here tomorrow. How should I get a hold of you anyway?" He asked with his normal straight face. I didn't know what to say I was just frozen. He was asking for my phone number, not for the reasons I wished but he still asked for it. "Uhm you mean like my phone number?" I asked stupidly. "Yeah. What did you think I meant. I do have to let you know when I can meet here, I don't know what all I have to do tomorrow so I can't exactly set a specific time."

I was still a little dumbfounded but I was happy that he was getting my number. I took a scrap piece of paper and wrote my number down on it and handed it to him. "So I guess I'll see you around?" I asked "sure." Was all he said then I was on my way home. When I finally made it home I unlocked the door and went Inside. When I walked in I went up to my room and put my art supplies away near my desk. I went over to my bed and made it since I was in a hurry this morning. After that, I went downstairs to do a few more chores that were neglected for that day.

After about two hours of cleaning Mitski finally walked through the door. "Your most amazing friend is finally home!!" She shouted throughout the house. I walked over to her and looked at her with a straight face. She laughed at my reaction then out of the blue she runs up to me and asks, "Weeellll? Did you make a move on Yuuma?" She said in her normal teasing tone. "No. I didn't 'make a move on Yuuma'." I said copying her tone. "You know, you're no fun." She said while walking to the kitchen. All I did was roll my eyes to her response.

After about another two hours we both ate dinner that I had ordered to the house. After dinner, I went upstairs to my room to put some pajamas on. Throughout the night Mitski was just laughing and making fun of me, so after I took so much of her constant teasing I just blurted out, "Well, Mitski my most lovable friend. Once you have your first crush I'm going to return the favor and don't think I'm stupid. I know you better than you think. I know you're not immune to liking boys." I said with a very big and evil grin on my face.
We then laid down for the night and just when I was about to fall asleep I got a text from the one person I never thought I would have gotten it from, Yuuma himself.

From: Yuuma To:(y/n)
Thought I would let you know that I won't be able to meet up at the park till around 4 let me know if that's ok?

From:(y/n) To: Yuuma
It's no problem... I DNT have anything planned for tomorrow afternoon... See you then...

After that all I got was an 'ok' and I put my phone on my night stand and Mitski shot up with her evil self, "So, you guys exchanged phone numbers already and you guys aren't even dating yet." She said with a big grin plastered on her face. "Go to bed." I simply said and she just laughed. I turned over and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

~~time skip to next morning~~

The next morning I woke up to my alarm clock going off and light streaming on my face. I groaned not wanting to get up but I knew I had to get up and do daily chores. I threw my legs over the side of my bed and grabbed a simple pair of leggings and a (f/c) tank top. I went to my bathroom to brush my (h/l) (h/c) and put it in a ponytail.During the course of the day I had been sweeping, dusting and other chores that had to be done, of course knowing me I made Mitski help for last nights comment. After the stressful day of cleaning, I looked at the clock and noticed that it was a little after three so I dashed upstairs and cleaned myself up.

I changed into a black skirt with a white dress shirt accompanied with black flats.I grabbed my art supplies and told Mitski I was going to the park to meet up with Yuuma for the art project. Before I left completely she said, " You two kids have fun. Don't kiss until you have a third date." I blushed at her comment, she must have seen my reaction because she just burst into a laughing fit. I rushed out the door trying to get to the park on time, but to no avail. I ended up being a few minutes late.

When I went over to the spot that we picked the day before I noticed Yuuma was waiting for me to get there. " Sorry I'm late, I lost track of time." I quickly apologized. I walked over to the bench he was sitting at and I took my sketchbook out and we both started drawing.

During the next few hours of us sitting there drawing, the sun was starting to set and the view that we had of the sunset shining in through what was left on the tree we were drawing was beautiful but I realized that it was getting late. "Well, I guess we should stop for the day. I guess we'll see each other in class tomorrow." "Yeah see ya." We told each other bye and we went our separate ways. When I made it home after drawing so much I felt as though I could crash but when I walked in through the door mitski tackled me with a big hug smothering me, "mitski... C-can't...... b-breathe." I said the best I could through her tight grip.

"So, what are we eating for dinner?" She asked with a big grin, this one however wasn't her normal evil grin she gave me, this was her 'I want food' grin. "If you order pizza I'll pay, but you have to get a pepperoni pizza for me. You can order ONE that you want." I said gesturing the one.

After we ate I decided to head up to my room to put away my art kit that I didn't bother with till now. After putting it away I grabbed some sleep shorts and a t-shirt and went to clean up for the night. After taking a shower and getting dressed I went back to my room and collapsed on my bed, mitski going to bed not long after. The last thought I had was 'This is gonna be a fun project' then I drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter new part up ASAP!!! Don't forget to vote and comment I would appreciate it!!!! Also sorry for typos!!!🌸🌸🌸

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