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I go to the bathroom get washed up and dressed and to my bedroom and lay down for the night


~~three week time skip~~

Today is the day that our project is due and it also marks the last day that I will spend time with yuuma. I didn't even want to get out of bed and Mitski was also a little disappointed that none of her plans to get yuuma to notice me were successful. After getting dressed in my uniform and heading off to school both me and Mitski had a normal conversation like we used to, she never once mentioned anything about me liking yuuma. "Hey Mitski, how come you don't mention anything about yuuma anymore. You always use to find something to tease me for." "Well you know as well as I do that I tried all I could do and he never once looked at you in a loving way. He barely noticed you at all, I kinda gave up even though you guys look so good together, but what can you do."

During the day all I could think about was the project that was being turned in. When the bell rings it brings me out of my thoughts but I get put right back in them when I leave and go to the next class of the day. The time finally rolls around for lunch hour and as I reach the cafeteria Mitski sees me and tackles me into a very deep and bone crushing hug "m-mitski... c-can't... b-breathe." I say she let's go and starts fangirling​ in the middle of the cafeteria. I drag her over to our normal table we sat at when school started back and I tried to get answers as to why she was freaking out. The only thing I could make out was 'new student' and the rest was lost in her fangirling​.

During lunch it was so hard to get Mitski under control about these two new students that she was squealing about. "Mitski there is a bento in front of you why aren't you going to eat, are you finally not hungry?" I ask with a grin. She stops fangirling and starts stuffing her face. 'Thank god the food made her hush.' After lunch hour ended I had to pull Mitski so she could make it to class on time. We finally made it and masami walked over to me and Mitski as we walked into the class, 'So, (y/n) uhm is she okay?" She says. "Yeah shes just being weird about some new students but I don't know why though, just ignore her and she'll stop, hopefully." I drag Mitski to our table and masami heads to her table then class starts with the Sensei giving a quick lecture. "Alright class I have a few words to say then we will begin with class. First we have a new student joining the class and second today is the due date for the collaboritive sketch assignment." After his speech he signaled someone to come into the class. This boy had blonde hair along with a hat that looked kind of like a sailor's(top). When I looked over to Mitski she was completely gone, she was fangirling once again. With a fangirl sitting next me I realized that she finally had her first crush and it was on the boy who announced himself as Oliver.

The Sensei announced our groups one by one to turn in the sketches and we did as told. Then when he called yuuma and I to turn in ours we went up to the front and handed it to him. "These are remarkable you both have done well, you both pass with flying colours." The teacher praised us. "This was fun other than the strange things your ​friend Mitski did." "Uh yeah it was really fun, normally it's just me and Mitski doing stuff like this together, so it's different." I gave a big closed-eyed smile. When I started to walk back to my seat yuuma grabbed my hand to stop me. I turned to face him and I had a forming pink blush rising to my face that I couldn't stop. "Uh yuuma are y-you okay?"

"Yeah sorry. I just wanted to say that if you wanted to work on another project with me I would really like that. Your the only one that doesn't drool Everytime you see me so." "Okay sure I'd love to." We exchanged a few words and then we went to our tables. When I made it to mine Mitski had a really big grin on her face. "So I guess the project did get you closer huh." "Oh hush, it's not like you don't have a major crush on Oliver. Looks like I can get back at you for what you did with me and yuuma." This time I had the evil smirk on my face.

~~time skip~~

The bell starts to ring releasing the students to head to their last class of the day and when we get to put math class I noticed that their was another student that I had no idea who he was, so I thought he must be the other new student Mitski was squealing about. When class started the boy named himself as fukase(pic at very bottom) who was dressed slightly strange but I didn't pay much mind to it since it didn't bother me then class began. The Sensei had told us that we were getting the classic 'pop quiz' and I immediately regret not paying attention for the last week.'Well I'm gonna bomb this test'. We were told to get a sheet of paper and a pencil to begin. This took half of class and I spaced for the rest. When the bell rang releasing everyone I was told to stay after class.

After everyone left the room he told me that my grade was below passing and I needed a tutor. "Well, who would be able to tutor me, my family doesn't have funds to pay someone." "Well I can get the highest average student to tutor you that way your family won't have to pay for a tutor but the next test I need to see some improvement, your dismissed." When I left and made it home I noticed my fathers car was back where it was a few weeks ago, that's when I knew my mom and dad were back. I raced inside out of pure joy to see them. When I made it in the living area I seen my father in the living room watching TV and I could hear my mom in the kitchen running the sink water. "MOM! DAD! YOUR HOME!" I shout. I run up to my father giving him a big hug and I hear the sink turn off and my mother joins shortly after.

"We've missed you so much sweetheart!I'm glad your okay!" My mother says starting to cry. My father says after her, "I hope you've been well and I want to hear all about school were going to go out for dinner so get cleaned up." We stop embracing each other and I dash upstairs with school bag in hand to get something nice on for the dinner. When we arrived at the restaurant we are immediately seated and the conversation goes on for a while till we were greeted with our waitress, who took our orders and left.

"Well, school is going good but I have to have a math tutor since my grade isn't doing so well but my Sensei already solved that so no need to worry. I'll pull my grade up it's just..." I trailed off. "Just what dear?" My mother asks. "It's just well my art class has had me spacing out for a while about a major project that was due and it was a major grade so I guess I was just worn out from constantly drawing and it caused me to not focus as much. But I will pull grade up I promise." During the whole dinner me and my parents caught up for the three weeks they were gone.

After the long and very fun dinner with my parents we finally headed home for the night. When we arrived back we all went in, took our shoes off and I gave them 'goodnights' and I 'love you's' and I went to my room for the night. When I went to my room I walked over to my dresser and did my nightly routine before bed and when I got back to my room I noticed something sitting on my desk that I thought was gone. 'Huh, how did this get here?' I thought. All I did was leave it and went over to my bed since I was extremely exhausted and just wanted​ to sleep. I turned out my light and went to lay down and darkness quickly took over.

Yay!!! Another chapter!!! Updates are still slow I just have access to a wifi source at the time I wrote this so yeah!!! I really hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry if there's any spelling errors that I overlooked!! Thank you for reading (^~^) it means so much💖🌸💖🌸💖

Reference for fukase ⤵

Reference for fukase ⤵

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