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I turned out my light and went to lay down and darkness quickly took over.


The next day I did my normal routine to prepare for school, after I finished with that I dashed out the door with a very tired mitski. When we arrived at school I walk mitski to her first class since she's barely awake, then I head to my own classes. After a really long and excruciating day, it was finally time for lunch hour. Since yesterday, both yuuma and masami acknowledge both mitski and myself when we walk into the cafeteria, when yuuma does this it makes my heart skip a beat, but I quickly go to my table with mitski and we have a normal lunch like before minus all her fangirling.

When we went to art mitski just stopped in her tracks when she noticed that oliver was sitting at our table. When I looked over at her I couldn't help but laugh, I noticed her face turn fifty shades of pink and red. She quickly grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me over to yuuma's and masami's table. When we get there mitski takes a seat next to masami trying to hide and I was forced to sit next to yuuma which made my face heat up. 'So, I guess I kinda desrve this.' With that thought another one came except this was truely evil, not to me but to mitski. I stood up which made the three pairs of eye's look at me, the last thing I do is give mitski an evil look and I left to the usual table I sat at before, or better yet where mitski's first crush sat.

Whe I sat down I gave him my name and a big close-eyed smile and sat next to him. "So, oliver do you enjoy art or are you just taking this class since it's required?" "Well uhm I do draw but I'm not very good at it." When he told me he wasn't good I asked if I could look at his sketchbook. When he pulled it out and I flipped to the first page I was in awe. "Wow, uhm oliver what makes you think that your bad at art? Your honestly better than me." I looked over at him to see a small blush on his cheeks. "Hey, are you okay? You look like you have a fever." Even though I knew why he was blushing, I decided to play dumb. During the whole class I made small conversation with him while taking quick looks over to the other table where Mitski sat alongside yuuma and masami.

The bell finally starts to ring and the student started heading out of the class quickly, Mitski stood at her table waiting for me. Yuuma and masami had also stayed behind, when I walk over to the group I get punched really hard in the right arm. "What were you thinking! How could you do that to me!" She shouts. "Well how would you feel if no one sat by you huh? I couldn't let him sit alone, after all, that would have been us if we didn't get this and math together and speaking of which, we need to get going or we're going to be late." I say avoiding most of her questions. When we get to math I noticed that the new kid by the name of fukase was sitting in my seat, it didn't bother me but when I look at Mitski with an evil grin I leave her to stand there and sit in another seat. I silently watched as she was told to sit down and the only available chair was on the right of the new boy. I giggled silently to myself at her weird reactions to the new guy, she eventually put her head on her desk and wrapped her arms around her head to avoid looking at anyone.

During class I was able to focus a little bit more and managed to get the assignment finished but when I turned in the paper for the Sensei to grade he failed me, he told me that I was wrong on every problem. I was getting a little angry that I wasn't able to do one problem right but he snapped me out of my daze and told me something that made me want freak out. "Well, (y/n) you remember what I said about getting you a tutor, right?" I nod my head letting him know. "I found you a tutor so if you would wait after class I let you two get to know each other. Please take your seat." When he finished what he was telling me I went back to my seat and sat down as soon as I sat down I heard faint giggling. I looked to where it was coming from and I find the source, Mitski. I turn my attention away from her and eventually she stops. After the bell rang I stayed behind as I was told to and I walk over to the teacher where he said that the students name that was to be my tutor for who knows how long. Yuuma shows up with his math materials in his hands, "So, (y/n) your supposed to be the one that needs help huh." "Well sorry yuuma, I never was good at math." I laughed. The teacher told us that we should hurry up and get going, so we both did as told.

"So, where do you wanna go? Your house or mine." I stopped any thoughts that made their way into my mind. "Uhm, w-what do you mean?" "I'm supposed to be your tutor, which means I'm gonna tutor you, so where do you..." "Well we can go to my house, if you don't mind." I cut him off. He nodded in response and we both walked to my house. When we arrived we walked through the door and was greeted by my mom. "Hey mom I'm going upstairs so I can study." She says ok and I lead yuuma to my room so we have a quiet place to study. When we walk in I go and sit on my bed while I watch yuuma being really uncomfortable. "You know you can come in, right." I say holding back a laugh. When he walks in he walks over to my desk to grab my chair but stops abruptly and looks at something on the desktop. "Uh yuuma? You okay?" When he turns to face me he has wide eyes. That's when I remembered what was on my desk and my face flushed to a very deep crimson.

It feels so good to release chapters again.... Updates go back to normal since I'm not on vacation anymore!!!! Big Thanks to those who are reading this since vocaloid fanfics aren't very popular but hope you enjoy anyways... Srry for any spelling errors (*^ワ^*)

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