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Storm stopped and whinnied, scratching the ground with his hoof nervously. I stroked his mane to calm him down, and took in my surrounding.

"We're definitely going in the right direction, Storm." I told him, after spotting a clothing line hung and several huts. All of a sudden, I was pulled from Storm's back, and landed on a heap of leaves on the ground, surrounded by net.

Storm reared and let out a neigh, I heard some voices calling out to one another, "Calm the mut down!" "We've got her!" I struggled to get out of the net around me.

Then something hit me pretty hard on the head, and I blacked out.


I came to when someone splashed water to me, drenching me from head to toe. My wrists were binded behind my back with rope, and my sword was taken from me.

Several druids were in the same tent as I am. One druid in particular, dressed in dark blue coat, stepped forward. He looked old, I probably had guessed this would be Sefa's father.

"Who are you? What are you doing in these parts?" He demanded.

I gulped down a lump of nervousness, but stayed broad and tall, "I am Aurora, Captain of the Royal Guard of Camelot. I have come to bring a message." I explained.

"What message?" He asked.

"Uther...has executed Sefa," I began. "B-but he didn't mean to declare war...I saw Sefa pouring some potion into the Prince's jug."

He cursed under his breath, "That girl!"

I quirked my brows, "You're her father, then?"

He shot me an odd look, "Of course I am. Who else would I be?"

I shrugged, "Sefa didn't tell you she was planning to kill the Prince, did she?" I glanced at him expectantly.

"That immature girl!" He exclaimed.

I sighed, "Can I leave now?"

"One more thing ; where did you get this sword?" He queried, gesturing to a druid woman to bring forth my sword. "It was forged with the dragon's breath. Nothing can stand up to it."

I eyed it, then looked at him, "A friend of mine gave it to me." I answered.

"Would you like to stay for a while?" He suggested.

I gave a nod, "I haven't got anything to do in Camelot anyway. So, sure. I can."
The druid woman snapped the ropes in half and I rubbed my wrists. She also handed my sword back and I sheathed it, promising not to draw it out in the camp.

Sefa's father introduced me around the camp. My eyes widened when I saw the druid boy, Mordred, walking about. He was still a child, it seems, though it has been years since I've seen him.

"Where's Storm? What have you done to him?" I asked, suddenly it irked me that I have forgotten about my warhorse.

"He's being fed in our stables." He answered.

When Mordred came scurrying to me, I bent down and offered a tight teddybear hug and kissed him lightly on his cheek. I stood up again and glanced at Sefa's dad, "Sir, I'm sorry about Sefa." I apologised.

"That girl is a total immature anyway, always trying to make me proud. I'm not at all." He rolled his eyes.

My ears perked up when I heard a loud trumpet blow and some battle noises. I could hear Storm neighing from the nearby stable and charging out.

"Camelot is here! They're out for me. They've think I've gone missing," I told him. "I'm sorry, but you must protect your camp and leave me. It's me whom they are after."

Mordred gave my finger a tug, when I looked at him, he shook his head, and led me to Storm, my eyes searched around the camp in alarm, the druids are now running about, searching for hiding spots.

"Go, Aurora. We can handle things here." Mordred gave me a push to swing myself on Storm's back.

I gave them one sad look, and let out a sad sigh before kicking Storm into a gallop out of the camp just as the first knights crashed their way into the camp.

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