Chapter Two - Cheers to Us

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"We cannot tell the precise moment a friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at least one which makes the heart run over. "

Chapter Two// "Cheers to Us"

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Chapter Two// "Cheers to Us"

Over the course of a couple days, Alex and I became quick friends. We talked about everything, our highs and lows, our struggles and weaknesses, and our loves and achievements.

Over the course of a couple weeks, we were inseparable. A month, even, passed by since I first met him and it felt like years.

There is this one little problem, however... no one else beside us knew of our relationship with each other in the beginning. While summer is the season of love, fun, and recklessness, what accompanies these characteristics are impulsiveness, cruelty, and mischief. On the night of July 22nd, a disheveled Alex came knocking to my window begging to talk.

"Lana," he breathed out. "I can't believe I'm this stupid for not telling you sooner."

He stumbled over his words in the next few lines.

"You know that fine-looking piece of ass that I'd been checking out, Morgan?"

I blushed at his brashness, even in the environment I had been constantly surrounded in, I could never fail to flush at such crude words.

"He likes you."

My breath hitched, and soon I was the one stumbling over my words. "W-what?"

"B-but he's a Soc!" I whisper-yelled, attempting as hard as I could to contain myself before I woke up all of my house. "He's, like, the lowest of the low! A green and rancid potato in the pile of all potatoes!"

Alex shook his hair and grinned wildly as he pulled my duvet over himself, in the bed which he had already made himself comfortable in. "I was so sure he was into me," he laughed. "Maaan, I am jealous."

"I don't even like him, he's a major skuzz!" I exclaimed. "How'd you even find out?"

"Well, first off, you're just sayin' he's a skuzz cause you don't like bad boys. Second, I was walkin' down the street, and let me just say, on my side of the tracks," Alex paused,"When he chased me down with his two rag-tag friends and got me to give him your number."

Shaking my head in disbelief, I said, "You know what? Enough talk about boys. Let's talk..."


The next hour was filled with more rambunctious discussions and laughter, enough that our last drop of conversation converted into slumber.
3rd Person POV
The next morning, the low sound of water flowing from the faucet to the sink and a toothbrush clinking against ceramic floated its way into Lana's ears. It was a familiar sound: a wake up call to Lana notifying her that her brothers were going to work.

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