Chapter 1

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Hey guys, so here's the next part of Riley and Lucas's love story taking place after 'Girl Meets Proposal'. Did anyone cry during the proposal scene? I know I did, but now the romance is going to go to a whole other level in this story, I hope you all enjoy :)

A couple of days after Riley's and Lucas's engagement, everyone had gathered in Riley's and Maya's living room where they discussed the engagement.

"So have you told everyone yet?" Smackle asked the couple.

"I have" Riley smiled "I told my family, our old school friends, I even told told our old school principle."

"Wait he's still alive?" Maya gasped.

"Maya he's still in his fifties" Lucas put in.

"Oh my God he's older than I thought!" she gasped again.

"You know Lucas-" Zay suddenly said "You're doing so well with this whole getting married and never having to sleep with anyone else for the rest of your life."

"Uh, I never slept with anyone else" Lucas said.

"Are you sure...?" Zay asked with a wondering look.

"I am" Lucas assured "I can take an STD test and it'll show that I don't have it."

"It's true" Riley agreed "The only girl Lucas has ever slept with was with me, and vise versa."

"If you say so Rucas" Zay doubted with a smirk as they frowned.

"Hey we should get started on the wedding plan" Farkle suddenly suggested.

"Oo! That reminds me!" Riley smiled as she got up and went into her room and came back out with a scrapbook "I can finally use this now."

"The wedding book?" Maya said surprised "I haven't seen that since the 7th grade."

"The 7th grade?" Lucas said as he turned to Riley "Wait we met in the 7th grade."

"Yeah..." Riley said with a nervous smile "Funny story Lucas, a few days after I met you, I may or may not have thought about our future, if you know what I mean."

"So you already planned out our wedding even before we dated?"


"Hey don't feel bad" he said with a small smile "I may or may not have also thought about our future after I met you."

"Awe" she smiled "Well in that case, let's take a look shall we?"

She then placed the book on his lap with a bit of force as he yelped in pain.

"Okay-" she said ignoring his pain "We have a lot to do, we have to plan out the flowers, the caterer, the music, we have of ton of crap to take care of."

"And as the groom-" Zay put in "All you gotta do is show up and smile."

"Gee, thanks for the advice Zay" Lucas said with a fake smile.

"So did you like write down potential themes?" Josh asked Riley.

"Yeah she did" Maya grinned "When Riley found out that Lucas was from Texas, she did a whole two pages on a cowboy themed wedding."

"Show me" Lucas said with interest.

"Oh man" Riley whined as Maya flipped through the page.

"Wow" he chuckled "You put down all the songs to play, the food, you even printed out a bride wearing cowgirl boots."

"What can I say?" Riley shrugged "I had a lot of ideas."

"What other themes are there?" Josh asked.

"Well there was a Fairy Tale theme" Maya grinned "A 'Beauty and the Beast' theme, even a Superman theme."

"Superman?" Smackle said to Riley "Since when did you like superheroes?"

"Hey I only put down Superman after I saw Lucas stand up for Zay against that bully" she replied.

"Oh yeah" Zay said remembering "What ever happened to that guy?"

"When I saw Lucas standing up for Zay-" Riley put in "I realized that he was like a superhero, specifically Superman because of his strength and, well, I feel like I can be his Lois Lane."

"Well-" Lucas chuckled "That is mostly true."

"Oh look-" Farkle laughed as he pointed to the page "The groom is even wearing a Superman shirt under his tux."

"And the groomsmen are wearing Superman socks!" Smackle added with a laugh.

"Okay guys that's enough for the themes" Riley spoke up with a small laugh.

"No wait I wanna know-" Josh suddenly said "Is there gonna be a theme?"

"Yeah-" Maya agreed "Is it gonna be Cowboy? Fairy Tale? Superman? What?"

"We don't know yet" Riley answered.

"Well you gotta think about it, because once we know the theme, we need to plan it out."

"Yeah" everyone agreed.

"Well-" Riley shrugged at Lucas "What do you think?"

"Well to tell you the truth-" he said "I think we should just stick to a regular romantic wedding."

"But that sounds boring" Maya whined.

"Actually-" Riley said "I'm gonna have to agree with Lucas, it sounds easier, plus I did some pages on a normal themed wedding, but I added some special touches."

"Like what?"

"Well I was thinking we could have an Eiffel Tower centerpiece because that's where Lucas and I are going to go on our honeymoon."

"You already planned our honeymoon?" Lucas said.

"Like you didn't see that coming?"

"So you want us to get an Eiffel Tower centerpiece?" Smackle asked.

"If you can find one, yes" Riley replied "And while you're at it can you guys bring some popcorn and chocolate?"

"Is that gonna be one of the wedding snacks?" Farkle asked.

"No I'm just hungry."

Everyone rolled their eyes as they headed out, leaving Riley and Lucas alone.

"Are we really gonna have popcorn and chocolate at the wedding?" he asked with a smirk.

"Hell yeah we are" she smiled as they snuggled on the couch.

Later that day, Riley and Lucas went out where they walked down the sidewalk hand in hand.

"Hey who are we gonna have as the Flower Girl and the Ring Bearer?" Riley asked.

"Well anyone but Smackle's little cousin" he replied "That little She Devil."

"Whoa-" Riley suddenly stopped as she looked ahead "Speaking of She Devil."

They looked ahead and saw Missy Bradford who looked up and saw them.

"Well-" she smirked as she walked up to them "If it isn't the happy couple."

"And if it isn't the happy slut" Riley smirked back as Missy turned to Lucas.

"I'm surprise you're still dating her" she frowned.

"Well, more like engaged now" he put in.

"You see this?" Riley smirked as she held up her hand with her engagement ring "You see this engagement ring Bitchford?"

"Oh congrats" Missy grunted.

"Thank you, now if you would excuse us, we're on our way to lunch."

As they walked by her, Missy pulled out her phone and started to call someone.

"Hey Charlie-" she said "It's true, they're engaged... of course I still wanna ruin their wedding... what do you have in mind?"

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