Chapter 4

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By the time it was evening, Maya walked into her apartment room where she saw Riley at the dining table counting up more money.

"Whoa where'd you get all that money?" Maya asked surprised.

"By working at the cafe" Riley replied "I told my boss about our money crisis and she agreed to help me."

"Oh great" Maya smiled "How is that?"

"I'm still counting, but what about you? Have you made any money yet?"

"Well I'm still counting on how much I've made so far from work, what about everyone else?"

"Well I called my family and they're gonna try to help, did you call yours yet?"

"Yeah they said they'll help too. But do you really think we'll get enough in time?"

"I don't know Maya" Riley sighed "I mean of course I want this wedding to happen soon, but I don't wanna wait many months or years for it to happen. I'm finally engaged to the Lucas, so unless we can get enough money, this wedding may not happen."

"Of course it'll happen" Maya assured "And I know we're cut off short of the budget, but believe me when I say this, you will get married to Huckleberry, and who knows, maybe something will happen that will save us all."

Just then there was a knock at the door as Maya went over and answered it to see Auggie and Ava.

"Uh, what are you two doing here?" she asked.

"Ava" Auggie nudged her "Is there something you wanna say?"

Ava gave a sigh.

"I have something that may be able to save the wedding" she confessed.

"What?" Riley said surprised as she got up as Maya let them in.

"What do you mean?" Maya asked.

Ava reached into her backpack that she was wearing as she pulled out a small metal box.

"This used to belong to my grandmother" she explained "She said that I should only use these for emergencies, and since I needed to pay for what I did, I think you guys should have it."

She opened the box as Riley and Maya gasped, there in the box were different gems, jewels, diamonds and gold.

"Holy crap" Maya gasped "Is this for real?"

"Yeah" Ava replied "Everything in this box equals up to 3 million dollars."

They stood there speechless.

"Oh my God!" Riley gasped surprised "Ava how did your grandmother get all of this?"

"Believe it or not, when she was about my age, she was friends with the Queen of England."

"Shut up" Maya gasped.

"Oh it's true" Ava assured with a smile "They were close, but when my grandmother had to go back to America, the queen gave her this box filled with everything in here, and she told her to only use it for emergencies. So far she only had it once for surgery, and now, I want to use it for the wedding."

"Oh my God" Riley gasped again "I- I don't know what to say."

"How about thank you Ava? You're amazing?"

"Right" Riley smiled "Thank you Ava."

She waited.

"You're amazing" Riley finished "But we don't need that much money."

"Then here" Ava pulled out a sapphire "This sapphire should be enough, and since you guys have made more money, then this sapphire could last you a few months, maybe even years if you use your money wisely."

Riley took the sapphire and examined it.

"Wow" Maya said amused "Ava you did something nice, are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine" Ava assured "I mean I had to do something for what I did."

"Well I'm sure your grandmother would of been proud" Auggie smiled.

"Yeah and thank you again" Riley said "This really means a lot."

Ava gave a small smile with a nod.

"Ava" Auggie said "This is where you say something else."

"Oh right" she said remembering as she turned to Riley "You're welcome."

Riley smiled just as her friends entered.

"Riley!" Smackle yelled with anger "This better be worth it! I just babysat my devil cousin for 3 hours and made 50 bucks! I went to hell for you! So you're welcome!"

"So while Smackle was in hell-" Zay said "We all made up to 175 dollars selling my grandmother's homemade cookies."

"I thought you didn't know the recipe?" Riley said.

"I didn't before because you ate my last one" he frowned "But I just found out that one of my grandmother's friends had the recipe and sent it to me."

"Well it's no wonder you made less than before, those cookies are only okay."

"You know sometimes I really don't like you."

"Well guys it doesn't matter anymore-" Maya spoke "Ava found a solution."

"What?" they all said.

"Yeah check it out" Riley showed them the sapphire as they all gasped "She gave a real sapphire, and it should be enough for the wedding."

"Are you serious?" Lucas gasped as they all turned to Ava.

"Thank my grandmother" she smiled.

"Hold on-" Smackle spoke up "So you're telling me that I had to babysit the she devil for nothing?!"

"You didn't just do it for nothing" Farkle said "You have 50 bucks now, good for you."

"But combing this sapphire with all the money we've made-" Riley put in "We may have enough money to last us months."

"Thank goodness" Maya said in relief "Cause we really need to pay our bills."

"So it's really happening?" Lucas smiled as he went up to Riley "We're gonna finally get married?"

"We are" she smiled.

"Yes!" he exclaimed with his fists in the air "Finally!"

Riley gave a laugh as they went into a hug.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Maya smiled "Let's get back to planning!"

"I'll get my book!" Riley announced as she ran into her room.

"Hey thanks Ava for doing this" Lucas said to her "I knew there was some good in you."

"Why does everyone assume I'm always bad?" Ava said offended.

"Because you are" everyone said.

"Don't worry-" Auggie smiled "I still love you."

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes.

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