Chapter 8

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After the diner and after Mr. Friar went back to his hotel, Riley and Lucas along with everyone else went to the exhibit where the wedding was going to be held.

"Wow" they all gasped as they walked into the exhibit.

"Pretty cool huh?" Riley smiled "This is the place."

"Oh I am so getting married here next" Maya declared with a smile.

"So this is where the actually marriage is going to be" Riley motioned her hand around the room "The altar will be up there, the aisle down here, and it's gonna be beautiful."

"Hey have you guys found a Flower Girl and a Ring Bearer yet?" Smackle asked.

"Yeah Darby's little niece and nephew are gonna do it. And don't worry, they're actually cute."

"So what's our job now?" Farkle asked "What else do we have to do for the wedding?"

"Well-" Riley smiled "I think it's time for Lucas to pick out his tux, and me to pick out my dress."

"Oo" Lucas grinned at her "Dress time huh?"

"Don't forget-" she put in "You're not allowed to see the dress until the wedding."

"Not even a peek?"

"Sorry" she said with a small smile.

"Well I'll be waiting" he smiled back.

"Hey speaking of tuxes-" Zay spoke up "I actually know this place where you can try on tuxes worn by celebrities."

"What?" everyone said a bit surprised.

"It's true" Zay smiled "I never got a chance to try it out before, but now seems like the perfect time."

"I am so in" Farkle smiled with interest.

"Hey have you guys written your vows yet?" Maya asked Riley and Lucas.

"Oh uh, I haven't yet" Riley replied.

"Yeah same" Lucas agreed.

"Well you might wanna get on it" Maya smirked "And make sure it's really tear jerky."

"Yeah I'm bringing tissues" Zay announced "In fact, we should give everyone tissues, we should give them tissues the moment they walk in. Because trust me, they're gonna need it."

"Hey by the way-" Smackle spoke up to Riley and Lucas "You guys remember to give each other your engagement gifts right?"

"Engagement gifts?" they both said confused.

"We're suppose to get each engagement gifts?" Lucas said "I've never heard of that."

"Well not many people do it" Smackle explained "It's more of an optional thing."

"Well in that case-" Riley smirked as she turned to Lucas "I have the perfect gift for you."

And later that day, when Lucas and Riley went to her apartment, she came out from her room with a large plastic bucket as she dumped all of the shoes from it and onto him.

"Uh, are these all of my shoes that your father stole from me?" he asked surprised.

"You're welcome" she smiled.

"Uh, these probably don't fit me anyone."

"Then sell them and make some money. Although-" she reached out and took one of the shoes "I'll be keeping this one."

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