Chapter 14

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In the groom chamber, Lucas slipped on his tux coat and was officially dressed as he looked at himself in the mirror

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In the groom chamber, Lucas slipped on his tux coat and was officially dressed as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Well man how do you feel?" Zay grinned as he patted his shoulder.

"I think the rats that are eating my insides are back" Lucas said with a nervous smile.

"Look man I know how nervous you are-" Yogi spoke up "But if it makes you feel any better, think about Riley, you're finally getting married to her. And if it makes you feel better more, think about what happens after the wedding."

Lucas gave a look of interest.

"I guess that does make me feel a bit better" he admitted.

"Oh you will feel better" Farkle assured with a smile "I booked you and Riley a suite at this awesome hotel, and the room you're gonna be staying in is just screaming 'sex'."

"Hey any chance you can book me that room after the wedding?" Zay asked as Farkle gave him a dull look just as Josh entered.

"Hey" he smiled as he turned to Lucas "You ready Lucas?"

Lucas took a deep breath.

"I think so" he breathed.

"Do you wanna use the bathroom again?" Zay asked.

"No I think I'm good. Wait... I'll be back."

And with that he headed into the bathroom.

"Good thing I put air freshener in there" Zay grinned.

Just then there was a knock at the door as Josh opened it to reveal Smackle with a video camera.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Smackle what are you doing here?" Josh asked with a smile.

"I came here to get videos of you guys, where's Lucas?"

At that point Lucas came out from the restroom.

"Good idea for bring that air freshener Zay" he commented.

"Told you it'd come in handy" Zay grinned.

"Lucas-" Smackle said with a smile "How do you feel?"

"Nervous" he admitted "But mostly excited. How does Riley look?"

"Beautiful" she smiled as she then spotted his boutonniere "Oh my God you're wearing an orange leaf boutonniere."

"Yeah-" he said with a small smile "I mean I gotta wear a symbol of my love for Riley."

"Awe" she smiled "You know Riley's wearing her purple jelly bean necklace as well."

"Well how about that?" he smiled.

"I'm so happy for you guys."

"Thanks Smackle" he smiled again as they went into a hug.

And with that the guys wrapped their arms around them and into a group hug.

"Little too tight guys" Lucas gasped for air as they all pulled away.

After that, Smackle went back into the bridal chamber where the girls were putting some finishing touches on Riley.

"Okay I got the guys videos" she announced.

"How does Lucas look?" Riley asked.

"Very handsome" she smirked.

"I'm so happy for you Riles" Maya smiled as her eyes started to water as Riley held out her hand as she took it.

"You know Maya-" Riley smiled "When I first thought that you ruined my 8 year plan when you asked Lucas out in the 7th grade, I realized you were doing me a favor. Because if it wasn't for you, none of this would be happening."

"I'd do anything for you" Maya sniffed with a smile "But promise me this, no matter what happens, we'll always be together."

"Of course" Riley sniffed as they went into a hug as they cried on each others shoulders.

And with that the rest of the girls wrapped their arms around them and into a group hug with tears in their eyes.

"Little too tight girls" Riley spoke up as they all pulled away.

"Well-" Maya said to Riley with tears in her eyes "You ready?"

"I am" Riley sniffed with a smile.

After all the guest have gathered in the ceremony room, the music started playing as Lucas walked down the aisle with his parents.

"I see you're wearing your lucky cowboy hat Lucas" his father said to him.

"Yeah well I gotta embrace my Texas side" Lucas smiled.

"We're so proud of you" his mother smiled as they sent their son to the altar.

And with that the groomsmen and their bridesmaid partner  started heading down the aisle.

"You know Josh-" Maya whispered with a smile "This could be us one day."

"Don't give your hopes up" he whispered back with a small smile as all the groomsmen and bridesmaid made it to the altar.

"Hey man" Zay whispered to Lucas as he held up a box of tissues "I got a box of tissues right here is you need some."

"Uh, thanks" Lucas replied.

Pretty soon the music for the bride started to play as everyone stood up and turned around to see Riley in her wedding gown with her parents to the side. And at that point, Lucas could feel his eyes start to water and his heart warming and beating with love. Seeing Riley in her wedding dress made him feel like the luckiest guy in the world. The girl he loved since middle school was wearing the white dress that made her look like the princess she's always been. She was stunning, and when he looked into her teary eyes, he gave a smile with a sniff as tears dripped down his cheek as Zay handed him the box of tissues.

"Thanks man" Lucas sniffed as he took some tissues and wiped the tears from his eyes.

As she walked the aisle, Riley too felt tears drip down her cheek while keeping a smile on her face. Her dream of getting married to her prince was finally coming true, and she couldn't be more happier. When her parents escorted her to the altar, she kissed them goodbye as they stepped out of the way. Riley then looked into the eyes of her soon to be husband as they both smiled.

"Hi" he whispered with a smile.

"Hi" she whispered back with a smile.

"You look beautiful princess" he smiled as he sniffed.

"Thank you" she sniffed too.

Knowing this was it, they couldn't stop looking into each other eyes and smiling, waiting for the moment to say 'I do'.

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