Chapter 19

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The next morning, Riley and Lucas made their way to her apartment where they went inside to see everyone in the living room.

"Heyyyyyy!" they chorused.

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Friar" Maya smiled "How was last night?"

"Great" Riley smiled "The suite was amazing, they even had a hot tub in the bathroom."

"Oh man I wish I was there" Smackle whined.

"Overall we had a great time last night" Lucas smiled as he put his arm around Riley's waist "I'm just glad that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with my new wife."

"And you as my husband" she smiled back.

"Yeah but I think what Maya meant was how was the sex?" Zay spoke up.

"Zay!" everyone hissed.

"Okay..." Riley said a bit disgusted "Well uh, Lucas and I are gonna go get ready for our honeymoon in Paris."

"You're leaving this Monday right?" Maya asked.

"Yeah and we wont be back for at least a week. And if I were you Maya, I get finished packing."

At that point Maya gave a small groan as Riley and Lucas went into her room.

"I still can't believe that Riley is now Riley Friar" Smackle spoke up "And she and Lucas are the only married couple in this group."

"I still can't believe they're going to Paris" Farkle put in "I've always wanted to go to Paris and try their food until my stomach hurts."

"Yeah well you can't" Maya said "It's their honeymoon, let them enjoy it."

"So uh, what do we do now?" Smackle asked "I gotta admit I missed planning their wedding."

"I don't know about you guys-" Zay spoke up "But I'm gonna go have some of the wedding cake."

Pretty soon everyone else was eating the wedding cake leftovers.

"Hey" Maya suddenly spoke up "Now that Riley and Lucas are married, you think they're gonna start a family?"

"Oo" Smackle grinned "I can't wait to see that happening."

"Who knows-" Zay put in "It may happen soon, perhaps last night was the night they did it. So be prepared everyone, we may get a new member."

Just then Riley and Lucas came out from her room.

"Are you guys eating the wedding cake leftovers without us?" Riley asked surprised.

"Yep" Maya replied with her mouth full.

"Well scoot over and give us some."

They then joined in, and after a while, everyone laid in the living room all from their sugar hungover.

"Why did we have to eat all the cake other sugar leftovers?" Smackle mumbled in pain.

"It doesn't matter" Farkle mumbled "It was worth it."

"Anyone want more popcorn and chocolate?" Lucas asked in a mumble.

"Yes" Riley raised her hand.

Just then Josh walked in and saw everyone laying in the living room.

"You guys ate all the leftovers didn't you?" he asked with a smirk.

"Yeah..." they all muttered.

"And you didn't bother to save any for me?"

"There may be some in the fridge" Maya mumbled "But I doubt it."

Josh rolled his eyes as he turned to Riley.

"Well niece-" he said "How does it feel to finally be married?"

"Great" she smiled "We're going to Paris this Monday."

"That sounds fun" he smiled.

"Josh baby come join us" Maya mumbled with a smile with her arms out.

Josh gave a small chuckle as he sat by Maya on the couch.

"Hey guys-" Riley spoke up "Now that Lucas and I are married, promise me that nothing is going to change? We'll always be friends and we'll be there for each other no matter what."

"We promise Riles" Maya smiled as she held out her hand to her as she took it "We'll never leave your side."

Riley gave a smile as she turned to everyone.

"I love you guys so much" she smiled "I can't wait to see what happens next."

Well that's the end of this story, and don't worry, I'll be writing the next (and possibly last) book of this series soon. I also can't wait to write about what happens next, and I bet you guys already know what it is :)

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