Chapter 10

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The next day, Riley and Lucas were in her living room as Riley brought him a drink as she joined him on the couch.

"Can you believe in 4 weeks we're getting married?" she smiled.

"4 weeks huh?" he said a bit surprised "Wow, that went quick."

"Hey have you written your vows yet?"

"Oh not yet, I'm actually planning on writing it later today."

"So am I" she smiled.

"Hey uh, I heard that your Aunt Morgan gave you her wedding dress."

"Oh yeah, Maya spilled wine on the another one and now it's gonna be a Prom dress for some chic we don't know."

"Well on the bright side, you're making a teenager's dream come true."

"Yeah well this isn't about her this is about me right now."

He gave a small chuckle.

"Well um-" he put in "I know I'm not allowed to see the dress until the wedding day, but is it okay for you to at least describe it for me?"

"I don't think that'll hurt" she agreed "Okay, well it's strapless, it's a princess gown, and um, I'm gonna be wearing a tiara."

"So it looks like your dream of becoming a princess is coming true" he smiled.

"Now all I need is my prince" she smiled "Or in this case, my Secure Western Hero."

"The Cowboy and the Princess, I like the sound of that."

"Me too, I also like the City Girl and the Country Boy, kind of reminds me of those Nicholas Sparks stories."


"Just think, 4 weeks from now, we'll be walking down the aisle no longer as boyfriend and girlfriend, but as husband and wife."

"Hey uh, speaking of that, are we gonna be moving in right after the wedding?"

"I don't know, I mean Maya's still packing so it may take a few days after the wedding."

"Yeah, I mean I can already tell that Zay's gonna trash the place as soon as I move out, and also walk around in his underwear."

"Well in that case-" she smirked "Be prepared to see me walking around in my underwear, and that's just not for bed."

"Is that so?" he smirked back.

Just then Maya came out from her room in her purple Maid of Honor dress and her heels.

"What do you guys think?" she asked with a smile.

"Maya why are you wearing your Maid of Honor dress?" Riley asked "The wedding's in 4 weeks."

"I know, I'm just breaking it in, but how hot do I look?"

She then gave a pose.

"Very hot" Riley smiled "Now please take it off."

"How come I can't wear it? You wore your wedding dress all day yesterday."

"That's not important right now, and I'm not gonna be doing that until the wedding day. I just don't want you to ruin your dress, Miss Clumsy Wine Girl."

"You're still mad about that?" Maya said with frustration.

"I'm not-" Riley smirked "I just like teasing you about it. But I'm seriously, please keep your dress in the bag until the big day."

"Fine" Maya sighed "Let me just wear it a bit longer and then I'll put it back. And the meantime, you should start working on your vows."

"Right" Riley agreed as she turned to Lucas "And you too."

"Well I guess I'll get right on it" he said as they both got up "I'll see you later."

"You too" she said as they gave each other a quick kiss before he went out.

"I can't wait to see you guys tie the knot" Maya smiled.

"Yeah" Riley smiled "Well if you need me I'll be working on my vows."


"And don't eat or drink anything while wearing that dress."

"I know" Maya groaned as Riley headed into her room.

Just then there was a knock at the door and Josh entered wearing his tux that was open as Maya saw that he didn't have a shirt on.

"Maya" he said a bit surprised when he saw her "I uh, I didn't know you were here."

"Well I live here just so you know" she replied.

"Right" he said with an embarrassed smile.

"I can see you're wearing your tux" she pointed "Without a shirt on."

"Yeah I'm breaking it in, it kinda still smells like the last guy who wore it."

She gave a look of disgust.

"And I can see you're wearing your Maid of Honor dress" he pointed.

"Oh yeah, I'm also breaking it in, mainly the shoes cause they're killing me right now."

"Well uh, I just came here to see if Riley needed help with her vows."

"Oh I think she's fine, she's working on it right now."

"Oh okay."

"Hey did you guys take care of the cake yet?"

"Yeah, and it should be here the day before the wedding."

Maya then gave a small squeal.

"The wedding's getting closer" she smiled "I can't wait to see Riley and Lucas finally get married."

Josh gave a small smile.

"You know you're gonna make a beautiful bride someday" he smiled.

"Oh" she smiled with a blush "Thanks."

"Do you ever picture yourself at the altar with the man of your dreams?"

"Sometimes. But I don't wanna rush things, I mean I'm gonna be moving in with you in a few weeks while Lucas moves in here."

"Hey uh, what are they gonna do with your room? Cause when they're married, Riley is gonna be sharing her room with Lucas, and not just for sleep."

"I think they're gonna turn it into a guest room, or when I come sleepover which will most likely happen a lot."

"Or perhaps they'll turn it into a nursery" he smirked "If you know what I mean?"

"Oo" she grinned "I can't wait to see that happen."

Just then Riley came out from her room.

"Hey guys" she smiled "You wanna check out my vows?"

"You finished it already?" Josh said surprised.

"Turns out it was easier than I thought. And why are you wearing your tux without a shirt?"

"Breaking it in."

"Okay whatever. You wanna read my vows?"

"Sure" Maya said as she took the paper and started to read it as she then put her hand on her heart "Oh my God this is beautiful, Riley will you marry me?"

Riley gave a small laugh.

"Can I see it?" Josh asked as Maya handed him the paper as he read it "Oh damn, this is so romantic, I mean this is like Nicholas Sparks level romantic."

"Yeah well I do get a lot of inspiration from him" Riley smirked "I can't wait to read it to Lucas."

"Good thing Zay's bringing tissues" Maya put in "Cause we're gonna be balling our eyes outs. Which reminds me, I need to get new waterproof makeup, cause if I'm gonna cry, I still need to look hot while doing so."

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