Chapter 13

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After Riley and Lucas pulled away from their hug, the door suddenly opened as everyone entered along with Maya who was gripping onto Missy's and Charlie's arm.

"What are you guys doing here?" Riley asked.

"Oh we're just dropping off some jackasses here" Maya frowned while holding onto Missy and Charlie.

"And some cake pieces" Zay held up the plate of the the wedding cake as he placed it on a table near the door.

"What is going on?" Lucas demanded.

"Okay dirtbags-" Maya scowled as she shoved Missy and Charlie in front of Lucas and Riley "Which one of you is gonna tell them?"

Missy and Charlie stared at each other wondering who it was going to be.

"Well?" Riley demanded "Say something."

"Um-" Missy said with a nervous smile "Last night after Lucas passed out and I helped put him in his bed, I may or may not have snuck back in and crawled into bed with him even though I wasn't drunk."

At that point their eyes widen.

"It was his idea though" she pointed to Charlie who gave her a frown.

"What?!" they gasped.

"Wait-" Lucas said to Missy "So we didn't do it?"

"I wished, but no" she replied.

Riley and Lucas felt their blood boil with anger. Just when they thought their enemies couldn't be more worse, they couldn't be more right.

"I got this" Riley said to Lucas with a small smirk as she went up to Missy and shoved her back as she landed on the cake pieces that was on the table as everyone gasped.

"Boop" Riley teased with a smile as she tapped Missy's nose.

Just then Missy started to feel a burn on her bottom.

"Uh, why are my butt and thighs starting to burn?" she asked with shock.

"Oh yeah I forgot to mention-" Maya smirked "You're sitting on strawberry cake."

Missy's eyes widen with even more shock.

"And did I mention that it has extra strawberries?" Maya grinned as Missy got off the table with cake all over her shorts and thighs as she ran out the room while limping in pain.

"Hey send me a pic of your hives will you?!" Maya shouted out the room.

"Now you" Lucas scowled while pointing to Charlie as he went up to him "I warned you Gardner, and now that you tried to hurt me and Riley, you're gonna get it this time."

"Well uh, can you not?" Charlie asked "Because Maya already bruised me up earlier and I'm still in pain."

"Great-" Lucas smirked "That mean you'll be in more pain."

Charlie then gave a chuckle.

"You seriously think you have the guts to hurt me Friar?" he smirked "Especially in front of Riley. Oh please, if you hurt me, Riley will see who she's really marrying, a bad boy, and a mistake. So if you wanna hurt me go ahead, but I just don't think you have the guts-".

But before he could continue, Lucas took a blow to his face causing him to slam into the wall. Everyone stood there speechless while shock as Riley held onto Lucas's arm to get him to stop. When Charlie got himself up, he took his hand off his eye as everyone could see a black eye starting to form.

"I do have the guts" Lucas said sternly to him "I mean, I am strong as a horse, and I can do a lot worse."

Charlie gave a deep sigh of frustration while giving Lucas a death glare.

"I don't think this war will ever end" he said "Go ahead and marry each other, live your happily ever afters, but just so you know, I hate all of you, you guys are pathetic and worthless in life."

And with that he stormed out.

"Don't worry-" Maya smirked "I know where he lives, so we can always hunt him down if we need to."

"But hey-" Josh spoke up "Now that that's out of the way and we don't have to worry about those two anymore, I say we get started on this wedding."

Riley and Lucas turned to each other with smiles.

"Yeah people" Maya smiled "Let's get dressed, we got a wedding to put on!"

So later, after the the bridesmaids got dressed, they all gathered in the bridesmaids chamber where they all talked and admired each other.

"Boy do we look hot" Smackle grinned.

"I've always wanted to be a bridesmaid" Darby smiled "And I always knew Riley and Lucas would marry each other one day."

"Are you still hoping on getting married to Yogi?" Sarah asked.

"... Maybe."

"Even though he's way younger than you?"

"Okay this isn't about me right now this is about Riley."

Just then Maya and Topanga stepped out from the dressing room.

"Here's come the bride" Topanga smiled as they looked turned and watched as Riley stepped out from the dressing room in her wedding gown as they all gasped.

Along with her dress, her hair was in waves and pulled back in a haft due with a small tiara on her head. Her makeup shimmered as her jewelry sparkled in the light, she was absolutely stunning.

"Oh my God you look so beautiful" Smackle smiled as she felt her eyes water.

"... I know!" Riley grinned with a little squeal "Now I really feel like a princess."

"Now all you need is your prince" Darby smiled.

"You know I bet he's gonna wear a cowboy hat" Sarah put in "I mean he wore it to our first school dance, even to Prom."

"Well of course he's gonna wear it" Darby said "He needs to embrace his Texas side."

"Well you girls go ahead and have some drinks I'll be back" Maya announced as she went out the room, only to run into Josh who was now dressed in his tux.

"Oh, hey Maya" he smiled.

"Hey Boing" she smiled back "You looking snazzy in that tux."

"And you are rocking that dress."


"I mean it-" he said with a small smile "You look absolutely beautiful, I always knew you'd grow up gorgeous."

Maya gave a bashful smile as she felt her cheeks turn pink.

"Is Riley dressed yet?" he asked.

"She is, she looks amazing, Lucas is a very lucky guy."

"He is."

"Well is Lucas dressed?"

"I think so, I'm gonna go check on him right now."

"Okay. I'm really looking forward to this."

"So am I."

They both exchanged smiles as they headed different ways, knowing that Riley and Lucas's happily ever after will soon be here.

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