Chapter 3

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The next day, Riley recounted the money in her living room when Maya came out from her room.

"Why are you counting the money again?" she asked.

"I'm just making sure" Riley replied.

"Riley you know that's not gonna be enough for your wedding."

"Yeah like I didn't know that" Riley grunted "Stupid Auggie and his stupid girlfriend, did they not even think about me while they spending my wedding budget?"

"Didn't Auggie tell you?"

"No actually-" Riley said as a thought came to her "I think I should call him."

But right before she could dial on her phone, there was a knock at the door. She got up from the couch and answered it to see Auggie and Ava.

"Auggie?" she gasped "Ava?"

"Hey..." they said awkwardly.

"What are you guys doing here? Are you here to take more of my money?"

"No" Auggie said with a guilty look "But that's why we're here, can we come in?"

"Fine" Riley sighed as she let them in.

"Hey guys" Maya smiled.

"Hey Maya" Ava smiled back "So I heard you're dating Josh now."

"I am."

"How does it feel to be with a guy who's almost 30?"

"He's 28, he's got 2 more years."

"It's crazy how he's almost 30 and he's not married yet, most guys get married around his age you know."

"Yeah well we're not other people-" Maya smirked "Although if he does wanna get married now, I'm all for it."

"So why are you guys here?" Riley asked.

"Look-" Auggie sighed "We're really sorry that we spent your wedding budget on our vacation. The thing is, I completely forgot about that budget, I wasn't thinking about you, I was thinking about me and Ava, and I feel terrible."

"Well you should be" Riley said a bit frustrated "Lucas and I recently got engaged and thanks to you two, we don't have that much money for my wedding."

"I know and once again we feel terrible" Auggie said with guilt "Right Ava?"

They all turned to Ava who was distracted on her phone.

"Ava!" he nudged her.

"Oh sorry" she said "I was looking at our photos from Hawaii."

"Oh my God" Riley rubbed her forehead.

"Well clearly someone's not sorry" Maya frowned at Ava.

"Okay I'm sorry" Ava sighed "I wasn't thinking before, and now I feel bad, at least I think I do."

"And we're gonna do everything we can to raise money for your wedding" Auggie added.

"Well you might wanna get on with it" Maya suggested "The sooner we get enough, the sooner we can have this wedding."

"Oo I have an idea" Ava spoke up as she turned to Auggie "Do you know if that old guy down the street is dead yet?"

"Ava!" Auggie gasped "We are not gonna use some random dead guy's money."

"I was trying to make things easier. Or what about that Mr. Feeny guy?"

"Ava!" everyone yelled with disappointment.

"Okay okay-" she held her hands up "No taking money from dead people, I get it."

"Although speaking of other people-" Maya put in "Riley let's see if any of our family and friends are able to help pay."

"Good idea" Riley agreed as she turned to Auggie and Ava "And you two are gonna work hard and make money to help us, and that means you too Ava."

"On one condition" Ava put in.

"Oh what now?" Riley whined.

"Can I not bring a gift to your wedding?"


"Why don't you wanna bring a gift?" Auggie asked.

"Because I'm not good with gifts, come on you know that. Remember the time I gave you a gift card for Bath and Body Works?"

"Oh right" he agreed remembering.

"You don't have to bring a gift" Riley said to Ava.

"Thank you" Ava said in relief.

"Just get to work."

Just then the guys walked in with a jar of money in Zay's hand and a sign in Farkle's.

"Guess who just made 338 dollars?" Zay grinned "These guys!"

"Whoa how did you guys make that much money?" Maya said amused.

"What do you think?" Lucas said dully.

Riley gave a small smirk.

"You guys had a lemonade stand didn't you?" she said.

"And you all thought this idea was for kids only" Zay smirked.

"But I don't understand how you guys were able to make that much money" Maya put in.

"Oh that was because of me and this sign" Farkle said as he held up the sign.

"10 bucks or more to help a couple have their wedding" Riley read the sign "Please make their dream come true. I know you wanna do this, and if not, you have no heart and have clearly never been in love before."

"And surprisingly it worked" Josh said impressed.

"It was awesome-" Zay smiled "We felt like kids again, I even had this big guy punch me in the stomach."

"Why?" Riley asked.

(Earlier that day) In front of a building, the guys sat at their lemonade stand when a big tough looking guy came up to them.

"Aren't you guys a little old to be having a lemonade stand?" he asked a bit confused.

"Aren't you a little old to be alive?" Zay smirked.

(David Lopez anyone?)

(End of flashback)

"It hurt-" Zay said "But it was worth it because he bought 2 cups of lemonade and paid a 20."

"Well, thanks guy" Riley said amused "I'll put the money in with the rest."

"Now uh, can someone explain why Auggie and Ava are here?" Lucas suddenly asked.

"They came here to apologize about spending Riley's wedding budget" Maya explained "Or should I say Auggie came to apologize?"

Everyone then turned to Ava.

"I said I was sorry!" she exclaimed.

"But I know you didn't mean it" Riley frowned as Ava rolled her eyes "I know you were happy to spend all my money on damn Hawaii."

"Yeah you better help us raise money for our wedding-" Lucas declared with a frown "And if not, then we're gonna spend all of your wedding budget for ourselves."

Ava gasped.

"Yeah that's right" Riley agreed as she crossed her arm "No help, no wedding."

"Fine" Ava sighed as she turned to Auggie "You know a place I can work at?"

"Oh I know a place alright" he smirked "Com on."

"Let me guess it's your mother's cafe" she said as she they headed out the door.

"Oh you bet it is, and you're starting with the bathrooms."

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