Chapter 7

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"What are you doing here?" Lucas demanded his father.

"Well since you wont answer any of my calls or emails-" his father said "I figured that the only way to talk to you is face to face."

"Well I made it clear that I never wanted to see you again" Lucas said sternly.

"I know but, can we please talk?"

Lucas just stood there with frustration, after all these years of not seeing his dad, his dad just had to come back.

"Lucas-" Riley spoke up "I think you should listen to him."

"It'll just take a few minutes I promise" Mr. Friar assured.

"Make it quick" Lucas said sternly as he let his father in.

"Isaiah" Mr. Friar said to Zay.

"Mr. Friar" Zay replied with a small frown.

Mr. Friar then turned to Riley.

"You must be Riley" he said to her "Lucas's fiancee."

"How did you know that?" she asked a bit surprised.

"You're wearing my mother's engagement ring."


"Wait how did you know I was engaged?" Lucas asked him.

"Your mother told me" he replied.

"Of course" Lucas sighed with disappointment "Now if you're here because I didn't invite you to my wedding-".

"It's not about that. The truth is, when you moved back here from Texas, I've been thinking about you, and us, and how much I've wronged you."

"... I'm sorry what?"

"I know that I was never a real father to you, I was horrible, I was ruthless, and if it's not too late, I want to apologize."

Everyone sat there surprised.

"You're apologizing?" Lucas said surprised "Wait how do I know you're not lying?"

"You don't have to believe me-" Mr. Friar sighed "I just thought you should know."

Lucas didn't say anything as he avoided eye contact.

"Lucas" Riley went up to him and touched his arm "Is there something you wanna say to your father?"

Lucas gave a small sigh as he turned to his father.

"I'll consider forgiving you" he replied without a smile.

Mr. Friar bit his lip and gave a small nod of agreement.

"Well I guess I should be going to my hotel now" he spoke up as he turned to everyone "Goodbye everyone who's names I don't know."

And with that he headed out. Lucas gave a sigh as he plopped down on the couch.

"Hey-" Maya said to him "Your father came all the way here from Texas to apologize, I think you should give him a second chance."

"I don't know" Lucas sighed again "I still don't fully trust him."

"That's why I think you should bond with him" Riley suggested.


"Yeah man" Farkle agreed "It seems he's changed over the years, she should listen to Riley and Maya, give him a second chance."

"I- I don't know" Lucas said nervously.

"I gave you a second chance" Riley put in as she held his hand "And now I want you to do the same thing for your father, can you please do it?"

Lucas gave another sigh.

"If you want I can come with you" she added.

"Please" he whispered.

So the next day, after work, Riley and Lucas met up with Lucas's father at a diner where they all sat at a table.

"So how long have you been together?" Mr. Friar asked.

"Well we were together all through high school-" Riley replied "But then we were broken up for 4 years because of college, but we got back together have been for about 2 years now."

Lucas remained silent as he avoided eye contact.

"So when are you two planning on getting married?" Mr. Friar asked.

"This May" Riley answered as she then turned to Lucas "Lucas, you haven't said a word all day, is there anything you wanna say to your father?"

Lucas gave a sigh as he looked up at his father.

"Why are you really here?" he asked with a sigh.

"Lucas" Riley hissed.

"I just wanna know" he said to his father "I know you didn't just come here to apologize which I'm still considering whether I should forgive you or not."

Mr. Friar gave a sad sigh.

"Fine-" he confessed "The truth is, when I heard that you were engaged, it made me realize how much I've missed. Now I know I was never a real father to you, and once again I feel horrible. I know that because of me, you lost your temper to protect a friend which got your kicked out from school. And even though I didn't really care back then, when I heard about how much you've changed when you moved to New York, I had to admit I was surprised. I've been hearing how much of a better person you've become, you've made great friends, you were able to fit, you even fell in love with this beautiful girl."

Riley gave a smile as she held Lucas's hand.

"I'm really proud of you Lucas-" he continued "And I know I've never said that before, but I really mean it. And even though we've never been the father and son you wanted us to be, I just want you to know that I still care about you, I always have, it was just really hard for me to show it, and I was afraid to. I also wanted to say that I was worried that you would grow up to become like me, but you moving to New York must of been the best idea ever. I mean look at you now, you graduated from both high school and college, and now you're engaged to a girl who you've been in love with since you first came to New York."

Lucas turned to Riley and gave her a small smile as she smiled back.

"That's all I have to say" Mr. Friar sighed "Now I'm only gonna be staying here for a few days, and then I'm going back to Texas, and you don't have to see me again."

"Dad" Lucas suddenly said "May's coming up, and that also mean my wedding is too, and, I would like it if you could come."

Riley's smile got bigger.

"Are you serious?" Mr. Friar said a bit surprised.

"Well you are gonna be her father in law" Lucas smirked while motioning his head to Riley as she gave a small laugh.

Mr. Friar returned the smile.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world" he replied.

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