Chapter 17

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After Farkle and Smackle took their seats, Josh was next.

"Now I haven't been around that much to watch Riley and Lucas's story play out" he said into the mic "With me being the eldest I was always busy and I wasn't always there. But whenever I was, I was pretty good at observing the story, and from what I've seen, Riley and Lucas have this amazing love story, almost amazing as a Nicolas Sparks novel. And even though their story began when they were just in the 7th grade, I knew that from the moment I saw them together, they had something special.

Ever since my niece was a little girl, I knew that she always wanted to be a princess, and that she wanted a prince by her side. And even though she would make me pretend to be her prince, I know that her real Prince Charming is right there by her side. I am so happy that Riley and Lucas were able to find each other, and I wish you both the best in your future."

Riley and Lucas both smile as Josh took his seat as Maya went up next.

"Um-" she said into the mic as Riley gave her a smile "So as many of you know, Riley and I have been best friends for pretty much our whole lives. We've been through a lot, both good and bad, and we were always able to make it through and never leave each others side. But now, I'm afraid that from this day forth, I will no longer be her best friend, Lucas will. He shows that he cares so much about her, and he loves her with all his heart, and I've never been more happy for Riley who has finally found her prince.

I knew that from the moment they met, they were meant for each other. And even though back then I pretty much caused the whole triangle thing, I did it to see if this cowboy really was good for Riley, and boy was I right. Even though this triangle nearly tore us apart, I was willing to take that risk, I mean Riley was willing to hold back her feelings for me, but the truth is, I don't belong with Lucas, Riley does. And the moment I heard that that they were officially a couple, you would not believe how much my heart was jumping for joy.

But the moment I heard that they were engaged, now that's a whole different story, and it's finally getting it's happy ending. I know that we're no longer kids, we're adults now, and we're taking on the world. Whether we're together or not, we'll always be there for each other. And Riley, you always told me that you dreamed of getting married to the perfect guy, and even though there's so such thing as the perfect guy, Lucas was able to show that he was.

You guys may slip at times, but you guys made it clear that your relationship is strong, and you're not going to let anything get in the way of your love. I love you both so much, but now I'm gonna have to let you guys go."

Her eyes then started to water as she gave a sniff.

"I know that we can't be by each other forever-" she continued "Eventually we'll have to go our separate ways, wherever fate takes us. But even though I may not be able to be by Riley's side, I know that as long as she has Lucas, she'll be happy. Because from what I've seen, hope isn't for suckers, and I never gave my hopes up for these two."

She then felt a tear drip down her cheek as she gave another sniff.

"And Riley-" she sniffed "I promise that no matter what happens, and wherever life takes us, we will always be there for each other. You have and always will be my extraordinary relationship, we'll always be thunder and lighting, and we'll always be Riley and Maya."

She continued to cry as she held up her hand to show a ring on her finger.

"Ring power" she sniffed.

Tears poured out from Riley's eyes as she held up her right hand to show another ring on her finger.

"Ring power" she sniffed.

And with that she got up and went up to Maya as they embraced in a hug while sobbing on each others shoulders.

"I love you so much" Riley sniffed.

"I love you too" Maya sniffed back as they pulled away with tear stains down their cheeks as they held hands.

"Thunder" Riley smiled with a sniff.

"Lighting" Maya smiled.

They held their hands up in the air.

"Forever!" they exclaimed as everyone cheered.

"And one more thing-" Maya announced into the mic "Lucas, thank you so much for coming into Riley's life, you are the best thing that have ever happened to her, and I owe all of that to you Huckleberry."

Lucas gave a smile as she continued.

"Also-" she put in as she gave a warning look "If you break her heart I'll break your face."

His eyes widen.

After that, it was time for the actually party as another slow song began to play as everyone with their dates started to dance together on the dance floor.

"You wanna dance again?" Lucas asked Riley.

"We don't have to" she replied.

"Try again" he smiled.

She gave a shy smile.

"I want to very much" she smiled.

He held out his hand as she took it while crossing their fingers, reminding them of the first time they held hands as they got up and went onto the dance floor. Pretty soon, the wedding was getting close to an end, and by the time it had gotten dark, everyone went outside hoping to see the getaway vehicle.

"So uh, where's the getaway vehicle?" Riley asked Maya.

"Right here" Maya smiled as she turned to a corner of the street and gave a loud whistle.

And with that a white horse pulling a carriage appeared from behind the corner as everyone gasped with smiles.

"You're welcome" Maya smiled at the couple as the carriage pulled up in front of them.

"You know where to go right?" Farkle asked Lucas.

"Of course-" Lucas replied "You told me like 50 times."

"Good" Farkle smiled as Lucas climbed onto the carriage as he held his hand out for Riley who took it and with the help of some people, she managed to get on as well.

"Ready for the bouquet toss?!" she exclaimed with a smile as all the girls gathered behind her.

And as Lucas started the carriage, Riley tossed her bouquet behind her as Maya caught it as she cheered with excitement. And with that everyone waved goodbye to the newly wed who rose off on their carriage.

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