Chapter 11

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Pretty soon it was the evening of the rehearsal dinner, and at Riley and Maya's apartment, Smackle had turned on a video camera and aimed it at her as she fixed her hair.

"And now for the important part of the wedding-" she said into the camera "The video, which Riley asked me to do so suck it Maya."

Just then the door pushed open as Farkle and Zay started to slowly enter while carrying the wedding cake.

"Okay easy now" Farkle said as they slowly walked in "Quick Smackle video tape this."

"And make sure you get my good side" Zay put in "Oh wait that should be easy, both of my sides are good."

"Where is the focus on this thing?" Smackle asked as she examined the camera "You know I haven't used this thing since Farkle and I tried to make a sex tape-".

"Smackle!" Farkle screamed.

"You guys tried to make a sex tape?" Zay chuckled "How did that go?"

"Let's just say the camera died right before we could do it" Farkle replied with a sigh "But that's not important now, Smackle where do we put this?"

"Okay-" she said as she aimed the camera at them "I will guide you in."

She started to slowly walk back while filming them as they slowly brought the cake in more.

"Okay keep going" she ordered as they made it to the kitchen "Okay slide it onto the counter."

They placed the cake onto the counter.

"And you're good" she said as they let go of the cake.

But at that point the cake fell off from the counter and smashed onto the floor as they all gasped. Farkle and Zay then turned to Smackle who stood there frozen.

"The dept perception on this thing is horrible" she pointed to the camera while hiding her guilt.

"Oh man what are we gonna do?" Farkle gasped "If Riley and Lucas find out about this they'll flip."

"Don't worry" Smackle said as she pulled out her phone "We'll just order another one. In the meantime, you guys clean this up. And when you're done, we'll head to the rehearsal dinner."

She then headed out.

"Hey-" Zay said to Farkle "Any chance we can rebuild this cake so we can have 2 cakes at the wedding?"

"Uh, I doubt that" Farkle replied.

"I mean shouldn't we at least try, like as a backup, if we can't order another cake then we might as well use this one."

Farkle gave a sigh "Yeah it's worth a shot."

Meanwhile, at the rehearsal dinner on top of the apartment, everyone was having a good time as all the guest congratulated Riley and Lucas.

"The big day is tomorrow" Lucas said to her"How do you feel?"

"Excited" Riley smiled.

"Same" he smiled back "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Well-" they turned and were surprised to see Charlie and Missy.

"You two seem happy" Charlie smirked.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Riley demanded.

"What we can't stop by for some food and drinks?" Missy smirked.

"No, because you guys are not invited to the wedding" Riley frowned.

"Relax Matthews, we'll be gone as soon as this dinner is over, and you wont have to hear from us again."

"And why should we trust you?" Lucas said with a concerned look.

"Because Friar-" Charlie said as he put his arm around Missy "I'm with Missy now, so you don't have to worry about us anymore."

"That doesn't mean we trust you though" he frowned "I swear if you guys are up to something, you're going to regret it for the rest of your lives."

"Oo we're so scared" Missy teased as they walked away.

"I hate them so much" Riley scowled.

"I got my eye on them" Lucas said sternly "I have a feeling they're not here for food and drinks."

Down in Riley's apartment, Smackle walked in to see Farkle kneeling near the cake while Zay was sitting at the counter eating a piece of the cake.

"Hey why aren't you guys at dinner?" she demanded.

"We're trying to see if we can fix this cake" Farkle replied as he turned to the cake pieces "So I'm pretty sure this is the bottom tier, but I can't find the top tier."

"Is that it?" Smackle pointed to the cake Zay was eating.

"Dude!" Farkle yelled "What are you doing?!"

"Sorry I got hungry" Zay said with his mouth full.

Farkle sighed with frustration as he turned to Smackle.

"Don't worry-" he assured "We'll have this cake fixed in no time."

"No need Nancy Drew-" Smackle replied "I already ordered another cake."

"What?" he said surprised.

"Yeah, it's coming in tomorrow, so there's no need for cake building."

"Sweet" Zay smiled "We got all this cake to ourselves. And then it's double the cake tomorrow."

Back at dinner, Lucas poured himself a glass of champagne when Missy went up to him.

"So-" she smiled "It's really happening huh? You're really getting married to Riley."

"Yeah" he said as he tried to move away but she followed him.

"You know just think-" she said "It seemed like yesterday I was asking you out to the movies, but then you decided to ask your friends along, you know that's not the point of a date."

"I know, that's why I did that" he smirked as he walked away.

On the other side, Riley had just finished talking to her grandparents when Charlie walked up to her.

"I wish I could come to the wedding-" he told her "Because I've always wondered how you'd look in a white dress."

"I thought you were over me" she frowned.

"I am, but that doesn't mean I can still talk to you."

"Yeah well I don't wanna talk to you" she declared.

"Remember Semi Formal?" he asked, ignoring her words "Remember how I asked you and you thought it was Lucas?"

"I remember how you ruined my chance on going with the guy I liked" she frowned.

"Well I'm just saying, a girl like you deserves to be swept off her feet, and if Lucas is really the one for you, then let's just hope he sticks to his words."

And with that he walked away as Riley chugged down her champagne just as Lucas came up to her.

"You okay?" he asked "I saw Charlie talking to you."

"Yeah I'm fine" she assured "How about you? I saw Missy talking to you earlier."

"It's fine. But hey, let's not focus on them, let's focus on us, we're getting married tomorrow, and that's all that matters."

"Yeah" she said with a small smile "I just want everything to be perfect."

"It will be, what can go wrong?"

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