Chapter 5

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Later that day, Lucas went back to his apartment where he saw Farkle and Zay in the living room as they stared at him with big smiles.

"What's going on..?" Lucas asked with a wondering look.

"Oh nothing much" Farkle replied with his smile "How was your day? Nice shirt."

At that point Lucas gave a sigh.

"Is this about the whole Best Man thing?" he asked.

"No..." they both replied while acting casual.

Lucas gave them a look.

"Yeah" they finally confessed.

"Look guys-" Lucas sighed "I don't there to be any drama okay? So whoever I pick, please be happy for the other guy."

"We will" Zay promised "So have you made your decision yet?"

"I have actually, and I choose... Farkle."

"Yes!" Farkle cheered as he turned to Zay "Sorry man."

"It's fine" Zay assured with a smile.

"In fact Zay-" Lucas smiled "How would you like to be in charge of the food?"

Zay's eyes widen.

"I'm in!" he exclaimed.

"Okay" Lucas chuckled "Now we have to get back to planning everything. And by the way Zay, when I say that you can be in charge of the food, that mean no eating any of it."

"Fine" Zay sighed with disappointment.

That evening, everyone gathered back at Riley and Maya's apartment where they all sat in the living room.

"Okay everyone-" Riley announced "Now that Lucas and I are finally able to get married, I think we should talk about the whole moving in thing."

"Please tell me I don't have to move out" Zay begged "Because I have no where else to live and I am not moving in with Josh."

"You're not" Josh said assured as he turned to Riley "Actually Riles, Maya and I already talked about this?"


"Maya and I both agreed that when you and Lucas get married, that she can move in with me so Lucas can move in with you."

"Wait seriously?" Lucas said surprised "You guys are willing to do that?"

"I'm surprised he said yes" Maya smiled "But it's true, once you guys get married, I'll be moving in with Josh."

"So that means I'm gonna have the whole place to myself?" Zay said surprised "Sweet! I can finally walk around in my underpants!"

"Up top!" Maya smiled as she gave him a high five.

"Well-" Riley smiled "I guess that settles the whole moving thing."

"So what do we have to focus on now?" Smackle asked.

"I think now we should focus on guests, from who to invite to who are the bridesmaids and groomsmen. And Maya, as my Maid of Honor, you have a ton of crap to take care of."

"So do you Farkle" Lucas smirked.

"Anything for you Riles" Maya smiled as she then turned to Smackle "Smackle! Let's get to work."

"You didn't need to shout" Smackle frowned as they headed into Maya's room.

"Well then-" Farkle said as he got up "Zay, Josh, we should get to work too."

"Oh Zay-" Lucas spoke up and reached into his pocket and pulled out a list "Riley and I made out a list of foods and drinks for you to take care of."

Zay took the list and read over it.

"Purple jelly beans?" he said a bit confused.

"Yeah" Riley said with a small giggle.

"Just do what she wants" Lucas said.

"Yeah in case you forgot-" Josh put in "The purple jelly bean was Lucas's first 'proposal' to Riley, and a symbol of their love, so be a good man and get those purple jelly beans."

"Thank you Josh" Riley smiled "Someone's been paying attention to the story."

"Well okay-" Zay held his hands up "Purple jelly beans it is."

And with that they all headed out.

"Hey while Maya and Smackle are taking care of the bridesmaids-" Riley said to Lucas "Why don't we talk about on who to invite?"

"Yeah sure" he agreed "We're inviting your family of course."

"Yes, and Maya's. Now what about your parents?"

"I think my mama can make it."

"What about your dad?"

"Oh no-" he cringed "He doesn't show up on film."

"Come on Lucas-" she urged "He's your father, he should be there."

"No, you don't understand, we've never gotten along, I haven't seen him in years."

"Which is why now would be the perfect time to invite him."

"Riley please don't make me do this-" he begged "You know that I've never gotten along with him, I just don't want to see him."

Riley saw the sadness in his eyes as he looked down.

"Lucas-" she said in a calm tone "I know you never liked to talk about your father, but I think now would be a good time to finally tell me what happened between you and him."

Lucas gave a sad sigh.

"Please-" she put her arm around him "For me?"

He bit his lip as he gave another sigh.

"You how I wasn't the best person back then-" he began "And that was because of him. He was never a real father to me, the only one who ever treated me as family was my mama and my Pappy Joe. My dad treated me like crap, always yelling at me for no reason, calling me names, he was worse whenever he drank. I usually kept to myself at school, luckily I had friends who were always there for me. And then you know the whole getting into the fight and getting kicked out of school story, I never thought I'd do something like that, after the fight I realized that I was acting like my dad."

Riley then held onto his hand.

"I brought shame to my family-" he continued with a sad look "I broke my mama's heart. When I got kicked out, my mama suggested that we move so we can get a fresh start, she found a job in New York so we had to move here. Of course I didn't want to at first, but I'm glad we did."

Riley gave a small smile.

"Thank you for finally telling me this" she said "How do you feel?"

"I don't know" he sighed "But look, even though I finally told you about my dad, that doesn't mean I want to invite him. And Riley, please don't take this into your own hands, you don't want my dad at our wedding, trust me."

"You have my words" she promised as she laid her head on his shoulder.

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