Chapter 9

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Now at the bridal shop, as Riley was in the dressing room, Maya and Smackle waited in the lobby as Smackle was admiring herself in the mirror with a veil on her head.

"Am I crazy or does this totally go?" she asked Maya.

Just then Riley came out from the dressing room in a wedding gown as Maya and Smackle gasped.

"Oh my God you look so beautiful" Maya gasped with her hands on her heart.

"Thank you Maya but look at Riley!" Smackle pointed to Riley with amazement as Maya gave her a dumbfound look.

"This is it" Riley smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror "This is the one."

"I think I'm gonna cry" Maya smiled as she felt her eyes water.

"Well not on the dress" Riley stepped away as she turned back to the mirror "I can't believe this is really happening, now I really feel like a princess."

"Hey what about your shoes?" Smackle put in.

"Oh yeah, let me put them on."

As she went back into the dressing room, an idea popped into Maya's head.

"Hey you know what this calls for?" she smirked "A toast."

She then went over to a bottle of wine that was on a table and poured some into 2 glasses as she handed Smackle one.

"To Riley and Lucas" Maya smiled as she raised her glass.

"To the happy couple" Smackle smiled as they gave a toast.

"Hey-" Maya smirked "Since we're here, should we try on some dresses for fun?"

"Oo I've always wanted to do that" Smackle said with interest.

"I mean if I find myself getting married to Josh, I gotta look hot. I wanna try on-".

But when she turned around, she didn't see where she was going as she bumped into Riley, causing her to spill her wine onto the dress as they all gasped.

"Maya!" Riley screamed with shock as she looked at her now ruined wedding dress.

"Oh my God" Maya's eyes widen "Riles I am so sorry."

"My dress" Riley gasped "What am I gonna do? Wine is almost impossible to remove, and I'll have to pay for this dress no matter what!"

"Uh, Smackle you're a genius" Maya said with a worried look "You have any ideas?"

"We can try Oxy Clean" Smackle suggested "I mean you've seen it work in the commercials."

"Well it better work-" Riley hoped nervously "Because I don't think I can afford another one, and I wanna get married in this dress."

"We'll try it out, come on."

But after washing the dress at a nearby laundry, the girls were shocked to see that the dress had turned pink.

"What?!" they gasped.

"How the hell did it turn pink?!" Riley gasped.

Maya looked into the washing machine and pulled out a red sock.

"Looks like some idiot forgot his sock" she frowned.

"Oh my God" Riley moaned as she sat on a chair and buried his face into her palm "This is a disaster."

"Riley I feel terrible" Maya said with guilt "I'd buy you another one but I don't think I can afford it."

"They should have a 'No Wine' sign in that store" Smackle put in.

But as Riley continued to mope, a women walked in and spotted Riley.

"Riley?" she said.

"Aunt Morgan?" Riley said surprised.

"What are you girls doing here?" Morgan asked when she spotted the dress "Uh, is that what I think it is?"

"Yeah..." they all sighed.

"Oh dear what happened?" Morgan asked surprised.

"It was my fault" Maya said with guilt "I accidentally spilled wine on the dress and then some idiot left his red sock in the washing machine and this happened."

"They should ban wine from wedding stores" Smackle said.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do now" Riley said with a worried look "I already paid for this dress that I can't use now and I don't think I can afford another one."

"Maybe you don't have to" Morgan said with a small smile.

"What do you mean?"

When they all arrived at Morgan's house, Morgan came out from her room with a clean wedding dress on a hanger as the girls gasped.

"Your wedding dress?" Riley gasped.

"Yeah" Morgan smiled "It looks to be your size, you'll look amazing in it."

"Are- are you sure you wanna give me this?" Riley asked still surprised.

"Of course, it's your special day, and you deserve to look like the princess that you are."

Riley couldn't believe it as she took the dress and examined it.

"It's even beautiful up close" she gasped "Thank you so much Aunt Morgan."

"Any time" Morgan smiled.

"But uh, what are we gonna do about this?" Smackle held up the pink wedding dress.

"I'm not keeping it" Maya put in "Pink is not my color."

"You know what?" Morgan said "That dress looks like it can be the perfect Prom dress, and I have a friend who's daughter is going to Prom this May, and it seems she can use a dress."

"Well it's all hers" Riley smiled as Smackle handed Morgan the dress "And uh, Aunt Morgan, do you have a bag I can put this in, because I am not in the mood for any more spills."

She then turned to Maya with a warning look.

"I said I was sorry!" Maya exclaimed.

When they got back to their apartment, the girl all laid on Riley's bed as they looked at the wedding dress that hung on the door in front of them

"It's so beautiful" Smackle smiled.

"I know" Riley smiled in agreement as she gave a sniff "Someone hand me a tissue."

Maya handed her one as they continued to stare at the dress.

"I wish I can wear that everyday" Riley sighed.

"Me too" Maya smiled.

"Well I can't wait to see your full transformation on the wedding day" Smackle said "Just think, in May, you will no longer be Riley Matthews, or Riley Matthews Friar, you will forever be known as Riley Friar."

"Yeah" Riley sighed with a smile.

"And maybe one day I'll become Maya Matthews" Maya smirked.

"Maya" Riley said with a small laugh.

"What? It could happen. And besides, I think I feel like I should get married to him before he's 30."

"Well don't rush anything, it takes a while for a guy to realize he wants to pop the big question. I mean it took Lucas 2 years since we got back together to propose to me, so it may take a while Maya."

"Fine" Maya sighed "I just hope he's still sexy when he's 30."

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