Chapter 2

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That evening, everyone gathered back at Riley and Maya's apartment as Riley went into her room to talk with her parents on the phone.

"So how did Missy look when she found out that you guys were engaged?" Maya asked Lucas.

"Pissed as always-" he replied "But it's a good thing she's not invited."

"Hey you're not gonna have Smackle's little cousin be the Flower Girl are you?" Farkle asked nervously.

"Hell no" he shivered "I swear that little brat is like a mini prostitute, no, she's worse, she's like a little Missy Bradford."

"Don't worry-" Smackle assured "She's not coming."

Everyone sighed in relief.

"As long as she doesn't know about the wedding then we're safe" she added as their eyes widen "Yeah when she finds out about a party she wasn't invited to, she will show up."

"What is she like 6?" Josh said surprised.

"She's 7 actually, and she acts like she owns the place."

Just then Riley came running out from her room yelling "No no no no no!"

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked.

"I just talked to my parents about my wedding budget-" she explained "Turns out Auggie and Ava spent it on their vacation to Hawaii!"

"What?!" everyone gasped.

"I know!" she yelled with anger "I can't believe them!"

"Did you talk to them about it?" Farkle asked.

"Oh I'm going to right now" she frowned "And I will make them pay for what they did."

"But what if they can't?" Smackle put in.

"Then we're gonna have to find some way to make money" she said as she started to call her brother "Hey Auggie... we need to talk... oh yeah you're in trouble all right."

She then headed back into her room.

"What are we gonna do?" Smackle asked with shock "If Auggie and Ava aren't able to pay, then how are we gonna raise money?"

"Oh don't worry about that-" Maya grinned "I got a plan."

"Oh no" everyone sighed.

"Oh yeah well do any of you have a better idea?" she put in.

"We can run a lemonade stand" Zay suggested.

"That's for kids" Josh said.

"Fine if you wanna take the fun out of it" Zay grunted.

"Let's just see what Riley says" Farkle spoke up.

"I doubt that Auggie and Ava are gonna be able to pay" Maya said "I mean they're only 18 and in college, and you know how every student is broke during college years."

"Oh that's true" Zay agreed "One time I had to use an iron to make grilled cheese, it worked though."

"I'm still surprised that they went to Hawaii by themselves" Smackle said "I couldn't even go on a plane until I was 13."

"Well you did suffer from anxiety diarrhea" Farkle put in.

Just then Riley came out from her room and gave a loud yell of frustration.

"Let me guess that can't pay for it?" Maya said.

"They can't pay for it!" Riley yelled with anger.

"Don't worry Riles, I got this under control, I have a plan."

"Oh no" Riley whined.

"Oh come on, just here me out."

"Fine" Riley sighed "What do you have in mind?"

"I don't have to take off my shirt again do I?" Farkle asked "Because when I had to pretend that I was a male stripper just so you can sneak into that women's home to steal back your painting, that women wouldn't let me leave until I told her that I needed to go see my dying grandmother in the hospital."

"And it's good thing you told that lie cause it worked" Maya said as he gave a groan "But don't worry, my plan doesn't involve you, I only need Lucas and Josh."

"Say what?" Lucas and Josh's eyes widen.

"What are you planning Maya?" Riley asked.

"Can I talk to your boss for a moment?" Maya asked.

Pretty soon the next day, everyone gathered in the coffee house that was crowded as Lucas and Josh stood behind the counter giving out orders.

"You really think this will work?" Riley asked Maya as they sat in front of the counter.

"Look at all the people that came here-" Maya pointed "And they paid us good money for this."

"But is it enough for my wedding?"

"We got all day, and if we need to we'll do it again tomorrow."

"No!" Lucas and Josh yelled with their eyes widen.

"Oh come on guys-" Maya urged "Do it for Riley, we need to make her wedding dream come true, and that goes for you too Huckleberry."

Just then a bell rang as everyone cheered.

"Well look at that-" Maya smirked "Show time boys."

Lucas and Josh sighed as they turned to each other.

"Let's just get this over with" Lucas mumbled.

"Hit it Bonnie!" Maya exclaimed as Riley's boss turned on the radio as loud music started to play.

Lucas and Josh gave another sigh as they took off their shirts and started to dance to the music while serving drinks as everyone cheered.

"Oh my God" Riley said with a small laugh "You know I gotta say Maya, out of all of your plans, this would have to be the best one."

"Well you better enjoy it-" Josh suddenly said with a frown "Because this is the most humiliating thing I've ever done."

"Oh come on Josh-" Maya smirked "You don't enjoy at least one thing of this?"

"Let me think about that, uh- no."

"Well just keep doing it, once again, do it for Riley."

He gave a groan as she went back to doing what he was doing. And later that night, everyone went back to the apartment where they counted up the money.

"This better be enough" Josh said "Because I'm not doing that again."

"Okay" Maya said as she finished counting "Everyone finished counting?"

They nodded.

"Okay let's add them up."

Farkle then used a calculator to add up all of the money.

"According to what we have-" he said "We have a total of... 357."

"What?" Maya said surprised "That's it?"

"I had a feeling" Josh sighed.

"That's not gonna be enough" Riley said sadly.

"So what do we do?" Smackle asked.

"Well we all have to find a way to raise money for this wedding" Maya declared "So everyone, keep working at your jobs, and if you can, find another way to make this wedding happen."

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