Chapter 15

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Once everyone was seated, the minister started off the ceremony as Riley and Lucas couldn't keep their eyes off each other.

"You may exchange your vows" the minister offered as Maya handed Riley her vows.

She unfolded the paper and was given a mic as she gave Lucas one last smile.

"My dearest Lucas-" she started to read while keeping the smile on her face "Ever since I was a little girl, I've always dreamed of being a Princess and waiting for my Prince Charming to come sweep me away. And even though I stopped believing in fairy tales as I got older, the moment I first laid eyes on you on the subway, I knew I finally found my Prince. I didn't think I would see you again after the subway, but when I saw you walk into our classroom that same morning, I never imagined that that very same boy I saw on the subway would soon become my husband.

But even though you most likely knew I was crushing on you back then, I didn't think you wanted to be with a girl like me. I admit that every once in a while, I would get insecure about myself whenever I was around you. I thought I was too weird, awkward, and quirky for someone like you. But thankfully, I had friends who helped me through my insecurities, and you were one of them. And at that moment when you asked me out on our first date, I knew that you didn't care whether I was too quirky and awkward, you liked me for who I was, you made me love myself as the unique girl I was born to be."

She gave a sniff as a tear dripped down her cheek. Lucas gave a smile as he reached over and used his thumb to wipe the tear away.

"Thanks" she smiled as he pulled away so she would continue.

"Throughout our lives we've been through our ups and downs, and just like you said before, those moments made us stronger. You showed me that you are worth it, you showed me that you loved me, and I love you with all my heart. I vow to take you Lucas, my subway boy, my Prince Charming, my Superman, my Mad Dog, my Secure Western Hero, as my husband. And I promise to always be there for you, to make you smile when skies are grey, to care for you, to wipe your face when it gets dirty, to be your best friend, to believe in you, and to never stop loving you."

Lucas stood there with tears in his eyes and a smile that showed his happiness as Riley gave Maya back her vows just as Farkle handed Lucas his. Riley handed him the mic as he unfolded the paper and took a deep breath.

"My dearest Riley-" he started to read with a smile "When I first heard that I was moving to New York, all I could think about was how horrible my life will be away from Texas. But then I met you on the subway and you fell into my lap, and at that point, I knew I made the right choice to come to New York. I didn't think I would able to fit in, but you helped me through it, you helped me fit in, you helped me made friends, and you helped me fall in love with the most beautiful girl I've ever met.

I've been in love with you ever since you feel into my lap on the subway, and what were the odds of that ever happening? I never imagine that that cute girl who fell into my lap would one day become my wife. And I should thank Maya for that, because if it wasn't for her, both of our dreams wouldn't be coming true right now."

They both turned to Maya who gave a bashful smile.

"And even though I've been in love with you since the beginning, I never thought that you would want a guy like me because of my rough past. I admit I wasn't the best person back then, but ever since I met you, you helped me changed for the best. I am who I am because of you, and I've never been more happier. You are the best gift life has given me, you make me smile every time I'm with you. And even though we've gone through some rough paths, I never stopped loving you. You mean the world to me, and I could never imagine my life without having my sweet, beautiful, funny, amazing girl by my side."

He gave a sniff as a tear dripped down his cheek. Riley gave a smile as she leaned and put her hand on his cheek while using her thumb to wipe the tear away. He returned the smile with a small chuckle as she pulled away.

"I've been waiting for this moment when I knew that you were the one. And now I vow to take you Riley, my city girl, my Princess, my Princess Dancing Sunshine, my everything, as my wife. And I promise to always be there for you, to choose you, to be your best friend, to care for you, to protect you, and to always love you no matter what. I love so much Riley, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Riley stood there smiling with tears in her eyes as Lucas handed Farkle back his vows. It was then time for the rings, Riley and Lucas each took a ring as they slid it onto each other's fingers. They then held hands as the minister continued.

"Do you Lucas Friar, take Riley Matthews to be your wife. To love and honor her till death do you apart?"

"I do" Lucas smiled.

"And do you Riley Matthews-".

"Yes" she cut in with a smile.

"Take Lucas Friar-".


"As your husband-".

"Any time at all."

"To love-".

"Whatever you say."

"And to honor him-".

"Do you not understand yes?"

"Till death do you apart?"

She gave a small giggle.

"I do" she smiled.

"By the power vested in me-" the minister smiled "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

At that point Riley and Lucas smiled big as they wrapped their arms around each other and into a kiss as Lucas tilted her back as everyone cheered and applauded. Their dreams had finally come true, they were no longer boyfriend and girlfriend, but husband and wife.

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