Chapter 16

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Everyone couldn't stop cheering and applauding as Riley and Lucas pulled away from their kiss and held onto each others hands while facing the crown with joyful smiles. And all the groomsmen and bridesmaids had tears in their eyes as Zay handed the groomsmen the tissue box while the bridesmaids took tissues out of their bras and wiped their tears away.

After that, everyone made their way into the dining hall where they cheered for the newly wed once they entered. And after that they watched as Riley and Lucas cut the cake that contained purple and blue fondant flowers as Riley smashed a small piece of cake into Lucas's face as she started to laugh.

"Oo me next!" Maya raised her hand as she scooped up a piece of cake.

"Maya don't!" Lucas ordered, but she had already smashed the cake into his face.

"Oh boy" he sighed with a small smile as they all laughed.

Once everyone got their cake, they all sat as their tables and enjoyed their treat.

"Sorry they didn't have another strawberry cake Riley" Smackle said.

"Nah it's fine-" Riley assured "I only reason I ordered strawberry in the first place is that I had a feeling that Missy would show up at my wedding uninvited, but considered that I pushed her into my messed up cake, I guess that would do it."

"If only I can see her butt and thighs right now" Maya smirked "I bet they're puffed up in hives that she can't wear shorts because her hives are too big."

"And I gotta say Maya-" Riley smirked "You were right, revenge is sweet."

"Yeah I taught you good" Maya grinned.

Pretty soon it was time for the groom and bride to dance, and everyone watched as Riley and Lucas went onto the dance floor as Jason Mraz's 'I won't give up' started to play.

"Of course" Riley smiled as they started to sway to the music.

With her arm around her waist and her arms around his shoulders, neither of them wanted to let go as they pressed their foreheads against each others as everyone watched with smiles. Reminding them of their dance at Prom, Riley and Lucas couldn't stop looking into each others eyes with smiles on their face as Riley took Lucas's cowboy hat off and place it on her head as he gave a small chuckle.

"The hat suits you" he smiled.

"Of course it does" she smiled back as they continued to dance.

After the dance, everyone applauded as Riley and Lucas took their seats. And then it was time for the speeches as Riley's parents went first.

"Lucas-" Cory said into the mic "When you asked for my blessing to take Riley's hand in marriage, I didn't think you were gonna be able to care for her. But you've grown a lot since then, you've changed for the better, and you told me that Riley was the reason why. You showed that you care so much for her and are willing to do anything for her, and that's how I knew that you were meant for her.

And Riley, from the moment I saw you born in the hospital, I didn't think I was willing to let you go. But now here you are, all grown up and married to this great guy, and I've never been more happy. All we ever wanted was for you to be happy, and now all of our dreams have come true. We love you with all our hearts, never stop being Riley, and Lucas, if she goes too hard on you you can tell me."

Everyone chuckled.

"And the last thing we want to say is, good luck to you guys, we wish you the best, and Lucas, take good care of our baby."

Riley and Lucas smiled as she laid her head on his shoulder while he put his arm around her. Up next was Zay.

"Excuse my teary eyes" he said into the mic "This is most emotional I've ever been. Now I've known Lucas pretty much my whole life, he used to be this outcast that kept to himself, but I managed to to get him to open up. When I heard that he was moving to New York, I didn't think he would change, but when I came to New York, I saw how much he's changed for the better, and I learned that it was because of a pretty brunette, the very same brunette in the white dress who is now his wife.

When Lucas told me that he was in love with Riley, I thought that things wouldn't work out, but as I watched their relationship develop, I realize that Riley was the one for him. She makes him smile, she's always there for him, and she never leaves his side. I am so happy that Lucas was able to find such a wonderful girl in his life, and I'm also happy that he didn't abandon me for her. Bro power!"

Everyone laughed as Lucas raised his fist in the air.

"Now all I can say is, I'm really happy for you Lucas, and Riley, thank you for coming into Lucas's life."

The couple smiled as Farkle and Smackle were up.

"First off I wanted to say that before Lucas came to New York-" Farkle said "I used to have a crush on both Riley and Maya, now that was from kindergarten to my awkward teen years so those feelings are gone now. But when Lucas came to New York, I saw how much he connected with Riley, and at that point I knew there was something special between them. Lucas and Riley share the deepest feelings I've ever seen, I knew that from the moment they clicked, they would fall in love and years later this very day will happen."

"Riley and Lucas have this beautiful love story I've ever seen-" Smackle said "And what I've seen from them, I learned what love was and what's it like to be in love. And it's the best feeling ever. Because if it wasn't for them, I would of never understood love and find my own with this genius, and I owe all of that to them. You guys are wonderful, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you."

And with that they exclaimed "Thank you, we are Smarkle!"

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