Chapter 12 - Phil

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"Mmkay. I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah...I'll see you tomorrow. Bye"

"I miss you..." Phil spoke quietly into the phone, but it was too late. Dan was already gone. Disappointment washed over him as he hung up the phone.

PJ saw the sadness written across Phil's face and went over and hugged him. "Would you prefer to be left alone?" His only response was a small, quick nod. PJ gave him a squeeze. Remember that, no matter what, I'm just a phone call away.

Phil watched as PJ gathered up his things, give him one last hug, and walk out the door.

**********TRIGGER WARNING*********

Phil felt like he had been holding his breath the whole time PJ was there. Quickly he went back to the kitchen and pulled out the knife again. He looked at it and felt like it was his lifeline. He ran it along his wrist another 5 times. Blood dripped down his arm and into the sink and he stared at it mesmerized. He then cleaned all the blood out of the sink and left the bloody knife on the counter. "I'll deal with it in the morning." He thought. And with that thought, he went to bed.

********TRIGGER WARNING END********

The next morning came far too quickly for Phil's comfort. He got out of bed and put on his favorite long sleeved shirt for good luck and a pair of skinny jeans. He shuffled through his sock drawer trying to find the perfect match. In the end he settled for one covered in cats and the other covered in penguins. He spent the rest of his time playing on his phone until Dan showed up.

When the knock on the door came, Phil felt pain shoot through his heart. Dan should have been comfortable enough to just walk in. He lived here for 4 years after all.

Phil got up and answered the door. Immediately, the awkwardness set in. "he-hey, Dan. You know you could have just walked in." Phil tried to start a conversation going so they'd both feel more comfortable.

"Didn't want to impose" Dan mumbled so quietly, Phil almost missed it.

"That's fine." Phil smiled a warm smile at him, "I'm glad you're here. Let's get started. Sims?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm going to get us drinks first. Get the game set up?" Dan said over his shoulder as he headed to the kitchen.

Phil nodded as he started to get the game running. Suddenly his heart dropped and his face paled. "DAN, WAIT!" Phil shouted, jumping up from the computer and running to the kitchen to try to beat him there. Instead, he reached the kitchen to find Dan holding it with a trembling hand and tears in his eyes.

Slowly he looked up at Phil and Phil saw a tear slip out of the corner of his eye. "Dan...Dan I'm so sorry," Phil said in a soft, shaky voice.

"This is all my fault," Dan said, staring at the knife. His hands started shaking so badly he dropped the knife and as it clattered to the ground it seemed to snap Dan out of his trance. He gave Phil one last look and took off out the door.

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