Chapter 17 - Dan

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MASSIVE trigger warning for the entire chapter.

His hands trembled as he heard the phone click off. What was Phil doing?! He had to get there quickly. He thanked whatever god was out there that he wasn’t home and had decided to visit London that day with Chris.

Without so much as a warning to Chris, Dan took off running down the sidewalk fumbling with his phone as he dialed 999 and gave them directions to their old flat, Chris tailing behind him, trying to keep up.

“Wh-what happened?” Chris panted when he finally reached Dan. Dan’s only response were his tears flowing from his eyes and a shake from his head as he sprinted in a blind panic across the busy intersection. Drivers honked loudly and slammed on their brakes as Chris followed.

After what felt like hours, they finally reached Phil’s flat. He heard the sirens close behind them and Dan fumbled with his keys and with shaking hands, attempted to unlock the door. After a couple of tries, Chris took the keys from him and opened the door. Dan shoved him out of the way, tripping over himself as he ran into the bathroom.

What he saw broke his already shattered heart. His best friend sitting in a tub full of blood. He could see Phil slightly, weakly turn his head, a small smile formed on his face. His head dropped slightly and Dan could tell he was gone.

Everything went in slow motion as he ran up to him and pulled him out of the tub, cradling him in his arms and screamed. He could hear the paramedics standing in the background.

He could hear Chris come up behind him. He heard him gasp and start sobbing. Then everything went quiet. It was just him and Phil. Nothing else in the world mattered in that moment. His best friend was gone…he had no one.

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