Chapter 4

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"Nothing right now. I have what I need. I'm leaving tonight and making a video tomorrow explaining that I've moved out. I'll come back over the next few days to get what's left." Dan looked around the semi-empty room and sighed. "I'm so sorry that it's come to this, Phil. I never wanted this. I just can't do this anymore." When he went over and hugged Phil tightly, that's when Phil broke. Dan could feel Phil's body shaking from his loud sobs and Phil was clutching him so hard it was starting to hurt.

"I'm going to miss, so much Dan. Please much as you can..." Phil's sobs started to trail off slightly.

Dan pulled out of the hug and looked into Phil's blue eyes. "Of course I'll visit. You'll always be my best friend. Nothing will change that." Dan picked up his things and looked around. "I'm going to miss this place." He gave Phil the smallest half smile, turned and walked out the front door.

When the door shut, it seemed to echo through the house. That's when Phil let it all out. He collapsed right there onto the floor and sobbed loudly.

He had so much pent up emotions and they all just crashed out of him at once. All the times he pushed aside his feelings to help Dan or the times when they were in public. It had all been too much and now, seemingly, all for nothing.

An hour passed before he pulled himself off of the floor of Dan's room and went to the kitchen for something to eat. Finding nothing, he turned to leave when a knife left on the counter caught his eye.

He walked over to it and gently picked it up. He ran his fingers along the serrated edge. He was shocked to find that it felt almost comforting. Nervous by that fact, he placed the knife back on the counter and went back to Dan's room and hid under the black comforter and fell into an uneasy sleep.

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