Chapter 15

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A/N: I'm so so sorry that it's been so long since the last update. I just moved and am getting use to a new job. I use to write when I would be traveling between the old place and the new place and now that I don't have that anymore, I need to find new times to write. Thank you so much for all of your patience though 🖤

Also there is a trigger warning for this chapter. It is at the end and clearly marked


Phil’s mind took a moment to register what was said.

“I-I….” Phil started to panic. One the one hand, God he missed Dan. On the other, however, he was so, so scared of this happening again. Tears welled up in his eyes. “I don’t know...I…I want you too, I really do, but I can’t do this again…you know that it’ll pick up again once you move back in. Probably worse than before. There will be theories that we broke up and are getting back together. Our fans are psychotic! You’ll leave again and I can’t handle that. So no. I can’t do it. I’m sorry Daniel…I really am…

Dan looked at him in shock, turned and ran off. Once he got outside, he called a cab and went to the train station to go back to Manchester.

Sitting on the train, he couldn’t help but thing of all the times he’d traveled to see Phil on this train. Tears rushing down his face, what Phil said finally sunk in. Phil didn’t want him to move back… he should have expected this, after all, he was the one who walked out in the first place, but he never expected the move to be permanent.

By the time he reached his stop, Dan was sobbing. He ran to his new apartment, locked the door and ran to his room.

Phil, on the other hand, watched as Dan tore out of the room. He watched out the window as Dan hailed a cab and it sped away. When Phil was sure Dan was gone, that was when he allowed himself to break.

He didn’t mean to say no. He didn’t want to. Seeing the hurt on Dan’s face was far too hard to bare.

He collapsed to the ground, sobbing. He couldn’t do this anymore.

He laid on the ground for 3 hours just sobbing until he couldn’t cry anymore. From there, he just stared at the ceiling.

‘It’s all the phandoms fault. Why couldn’t they leave enough alone? We were happy before they came in and made everything a living hell for them.’ He thought to himself. As soon as he finished the thought, he immediately felt guilty. He shouldn’t put this blame on their fans, but he couldn’t help it at this point.

*******TRIGGER WARNING********

He finally got up and went to the kitchen and his eyes fell on the knife as again. That blasted knife. He picked it up with a shaking hands

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