What The Hell Happened to Me?

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Holly's POV

I could hear the sirens coming from a distance, I stood still, still confused on what has happened. Soon a couple of officers came and dragged me out of the place.

"Are you the witness who called to report the murder?" the officer asked.


"And your name is?"

"Holly Morris."

"Please come behind the line until the detectives arrived, they will take your statement," the officer led me to a place which is a bit lit up than the alley.

Soon a guy who is not wearing a uniform but a badge came over, but... no way! He is Seamus Dever! I was speechless, I can't believe that Seamus Dever is standing right in front of my eyes! But... what is he doing here in New York? Shouldn't he be in LA shooting another episode?

"Holly Morris, am I correct?" he asked.

Oh my god! Seamus Dever is talking to me!

"Y-Yes! Yes I am."

"Why are you so scared? I'm a cop, it's okay."

"You're Seamus Dever," I said.


"Seamus Dever."

"I'm sorry I don't know who Seamus Dever is, I'm Detective Kevin Ryan, NYPD, homicide," he said.

"Oh... okay," I said quietly, so I'm talking to a guy who looks like Seamus Dever and is claiming to be Kevin Ryan? Awkward.

"Yo! Ryan!" a Hispanic detective slapped Detective Ryan on his shoulder, I'm guessing that is Detective Javier Esposito or Jon Huertas, whichever one he is.

"Holly this is Detective Javier Esposito, he's my partner, and let's take this statement back at the precinct if you don't mind," Ryan said.

''No, of course I don't," I said as I flipped my blonde hair.
Beckett's POV

I stepped out of the car, still talking to Castle, we were talking about the wedding and everything but we came across a point we couldn't agree on.

"Okay, let's just drop this for now," I said annoyed.

"Fine, whatever, but we're not done yet," he told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Lanie," I greeted.

"Hi Beckett."

"So what do we have here?"

"Elaine Smith, thirty five, suffered stabs to the chest and died slowly."

"Anything out of the ordinary?"

"Yeah, a tall manly figure was seen running away from the crime scene the time Smith let out a bloodcurdling scream," Esposito came over

"Who's our witness?" I asked.

"Holly Morris, fourteen, she's a bit weird though, she says that she's from LA and she was hitchhiking after school, forty five minutes later, she ends up in New York."

"Alright, where is she?"

"Over there, but we'll take her back to the precinct since she said she couldn't find her parents nor her home."

"Okay, them let's get her back."
Holly's POV

I was taken into the twelve precinct, if I knew what exactly was happening, it would be a dream come true.

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