Test Results

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Three months later...

Beckett's POV

I have been trying for a kid for three months, so far, nothing. But the good thing is Holly is doing well at school, that Gloria left her alone after I showed up at school and Alexis is managing really well in college.

Well, except this morning I ran to the washroom with a nauseous feeling, I was overjoyed, maybe it's the pregnancy symptoms kicking in. But I am going to wait till I miss one period, then I'm going to take the test.

"Yo Beckett!" Esposito came in a little more cheerful than usual.

There's no case today, I was in the bullpen doing paperwork with Castle at home trying to catch up on his new Nikki Heat novel, he's three chapters behind and Gina is going to kill him if he doesn't hand in the manuscript on time.

"Espo? What's going on?"

"Beckett, what are you talking about?"

"Why are you so happy bro?" Ryan asked.

"What? Nothing!"

"Esposito, 'nothing' is a dear friend of mine, and this is not 'nothing'," I said.

"Come on, we're your friends, tell us," Ryan urged Esposito.

"What is there to tell when I have nothing to tell?"

"Is this about Lanie?" I asked.


"What? No way!" Esposito finally found his voice.

"Hesitation, it's about Lanie," Ryan confirmed.

"Espo, what is there to hide? I mean, Ryan's your best buddy and Lanie's my best friend, you know these kind of secrets cannot be kept for more than one month," I said.

"No matter how secretive you are the secret always leaks out," Ryan said.

"Like me and Castle, you and Lanie when you first started dating."

"Fine, yes, it's Lanie okay? Now let's get back to work because I have a lot of paperwork," Esposito said.

I laughed at my 'brother', it's finally time for me and Ryan to squeeze stuff out of him, that's payback for trying to get me to confess I like Castle years ago. Oh, revenge is sweet.


Holly's POV

Gloria has steered clear for these three months, good for her. But I still catch her shooting me death glares all the time.

Dylan's not my boyfriend, yet. I admit I kind of like him, but hey, you can never be too careful on these stuff. I have gone over to his house a couple times and he came over to the loft once, Castle and Beckett are okay with Dylan, but I don't know about Alexis, she never met him.

And shocker! Alexis is back together with Ashley! One night, Alexis was supposed to come over for dinner, but instead she brought in Ashley as well, Castle didn't take it too well at first, but Beckett calmed him down in their room, I overheard Castle begging Beckett to wear her gun, just in case. Honestly, I haven't seen much of Ashley in the show, but he's really nice, I'm sure if that appears on the show, the fans would love Alexis and Ashley back together. Since we only saw Owen once in season 1, then we never saw Max and we never really liked Pi, Ashley is the only choice and we're okay with that.

Esposito and Ryan are picking me up from school today, Castle has three chapters due on his new Nikki Heat book so it will be best if I stayed in the precinct, I don't mind, I love that place!

Beckett has been acting weird though, like she's secretive and everything, she is counting dates and having private talk with Castle, I wonder what they are up to.


Beckett's POV

I suddenly decided that waiting wouldn't be a good idea, so I went away for a while and ran to the nearest pharmacy and quickly bought a pregnancy test.

I went back into the precinct and drank lots of water, finally I had the feeling that I really wanted to pee. I hid the test and ran to the washroom, I hurriedly did the test and went back out there. The instructions said it takes five minutes, so I waited and put the test in my drawer. I try not to get my hopes up too high, it might be a negative, but I couldn't stop smiling throughout the whole five minutes.

After for what seemed like a lifetime, I cracked the drawer slightly open and tried to take a peek at the test results.

"Hey Beckett," Esposito's voice and I slammed the drawer shut.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"What does Lanie like?"

"She loves diamonds," I replied.

"Anything else? They seem... Too expensive."

"Espo, you don't need to woo her with gifts, if she loves you, she'll take whatever you give her. Take her out to a nice dinner, Lanie will love it."

"Okay, I'll take your word for it," Esposito said and made his way back to his seat.

Finally, I cracked open my drawer and tried to take a peek, but then...

"Beckett," Ryan rolled his chair over to my seat.

I slammed the drawer shut and shut my eyes in frustration.

"What?" I said and opened up my eyes.

"Do you mind babysitting Sarah Grace tomorrow night? I wanna go out with Jenny tomorrow night but I need to find a babysitter."

"I would love to, when are you dropping her off?"

I didn't care, all I wanted was to take a look at the test results.

"What about five? Then Jenny and I will come and pick her up."

"Sure, drop her off at Castle's loft tomorrow."

"Thanks Beckett, I owe you big time," Ryan said and rolled back to his seat.

I cracked open the drawer and tried to look through the gap, but it was not where the results were, so I cracked it open a bit larger just to take a look at it.

"Detective Beckett?"

Shit, not again!

"Yes sir?" I looked up at Gates.

"My office please."

I put the test back into the drawer and slammed it, I walked into Gates's office.

"Yes sir?"

"How is Holly doing?"

"Just fine sir."

"Good, because now that your paperwork is done and there is no active case, I suggest you look up for some reasons why Holly is here and how we are a TV show. We would all like some closure now wouldn't we?"

"Yes sir," I said and went back to my seat.

Finally, with everyone now already bothered me, I opened the drawer just wide enough for me to see the test results.

Two lines, positive, I'm pregnant.


Author's Note: Here's another one! Thanks for reading, as always. I just posted a new ongoing Castle fanfic called Finding My Way Back To You, it's about Castle and Beckett finding each other after being estranged for years, be sure to check it out!

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