A Little Fun for Everyone

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Holly's POV

"Come on Holly! We have a movie to catch and shopping to do!" Alexis yelled.


Alexis insisted on bringing me on another shopping trip, we were gonna watch Captain America 2 as a short break.

"Well you girls have fun," Beckett said as she hugged us both.

"Get yourself something nice huh?" Castle said as he gave me and Alexis twenty dollars EACH.

"Castle... it's twenty dollars," I said.

"Holly, no arguments. Get yourself something nice okay? Alexis will pay the rest, here's my credit card Lex."

Alexis pocketed the credit card and the money.

"Ready Holly?"

I nodded.

And in a matter of seconds I was dragged out of the door.
Beckett's POV

"I'm ready for a rematch Castle," I said flirtatiously.

"Come on Kate... Don't you wanna play Scrabble instead?"

"Don't you want to play strip poker instead? If you lose you still win, it'll make you feel better if you got beaten by me again."

"I'll deal," Castle said as he took the deck of cards and dealt them.
Holly's POV

This is heaven! I never get to spend this much! Like ever!

Alexis drags me into every shop she knows and spends a lot on them.

We sat down to have some smoothies, I got a mango one and Alexis got strawberry, we started talking about the show and everything.

"So you and Beckett had girl talk and Castle showed up. It was sweet, I'm glad they're marrying each other."

"Yeah, Kate's awesome, she's like a mom to me. My mom is like the crazy aunt with a credit card but Kate is my serious and go to talk to mom. Gina was nice, but I think she tried a little too hard to make me like her."

"I'm envious that someone like Kate can really exist. Cuz now my parents are giving each other the silent treatment for months, they can't get a divorce, what about me and my sister?!"

"Hey, slow down, no one is getting a divorce!"

"I'm just worried, I can't get an evil stepmother!"

"Kate joked to be my evil stepmother once she says I do, but I know she'll be the nicest mom ever."

So we talked for ages about family and friendship, I wonder will everything be the same in LA after this little 'trip' to New York.
Beckett's POV

I am left in my bra and Castle was only in his boxers, whoever loses this round takes of the last piece of garment.

"Let's just throw our cards out and end this," Castle said.

"Sounds good to me," I threw down my cards and Castle kissed me.

He struggled to unclasp my bra and I just yanked off his boxers, we know that Alexis and Holly won't be here till after dinner so we got the whole afternoon to ourselves.

We made our way to the bedroom and fell on the bed, he sucked on my soft spot, that's gonna leave a hickey, and I moaned loudly.

That is the best game of strip poker ever.

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