Family Bets and Adoption

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"Yo Ryan. Remember that bet we had going on?" Esposito nudged his partner.

"Yeah, when will Beckett and Castle get together, when will Castle propose, that sort of stuff right?"

"Yup, ten saying Holly is gonna make them wanna have kids?" Esposito betted.

"How would we know it's Holly who wants to make them have kids?"

"We're gonna squeeze that out of Castle somehow. So, are you in?"

"I'm in, I say it's not going to be Holly who makes them wanna have kids," Ryan said.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Beckett came over.

"Nothing," Esposito and Ryan said in sync.

Beckett gave them the look.

"Uh oh, it's the look," Ryan whispered.

"It's really nothing!" Esposito said.

"Fine, I'm gonna let this one go. But I have a feeling that the body has nothing to do with Holly," said Beckett.

"How so?"

"Holly said she was walking in an alley while she saw the body. The driver didn't drop Holly off there and the victim had never even been to LA before."

"Well we do have a potential suspect, why don't we dig into his life and see how Holly intercepts in his life?" Esposito said.

"I already ran a background check on the suspect, and according to what Holly told me about her life, nothing popped," Ryan said.

"Our suspect is on the run, it might be a while before we can know more about it."

"That is where you might be wrong," Ryan said as he pointed behind Beckett.

Beckett turned to see their suspect in handcuffs lead by a uniform.

"Thanks, put him into the box," she asked the uniform.

The uniform lead the suspect into the interrogation room, Esposito and Ryan went into the observation room.

"Castle!" Beckett barked.

"Yeah?" Castle came out of the break room.

"Do you wanna go into interrogation?"



That suspect tied up all lose ends, all except Holly. He did kill the woman in the alley, but he knew nothing about Holly.

"Seems like Holly is going to stay with us for a while," Beckett said.

"I don't really mind, Holly is not hard to get along with," said Castle.


"Hey boys, wanna go for a drink at the Old Haunt tonight? Drinks are on me," Castle asked.

"No problem dude! Who says no to free drinks?" said Esposito.

They all headed towards the Old Haunt with Lanie (who just wrapped things up down in the morgue) and they all ordered something and talked.

"What's going to happen to Holly now? We can't find her family and the case is closed," Lanie asked.

"She's not going to a foster home right?" Esposito made sure.

"Now that the case is closed Holly can't stay anymore unless you really adopt her," Ryan told them.


"But we can still find her parents! We just need some more time!" Beckett said.

"You can give her back to her parents if you find them. But now for Holly it's either adoption or foster home."

Castle and Beckett looked at each other, and at the same time they said, "Adoption."


Holly's POV

I was just sitting there and reading when I heard the door open, I turned to see Castle and Beckett coming home.

"Hey Castle, hey Beckett," I greeted.

"Hey Holly, listen, we need to talk to you about something."

The seriousness in Beckett's voice scared me, but they sat down and I listened.

"The case has closed, but we still couldn't find your family. However now that it's closed you are not legally in our care anymore, basically you can't."

So what are they saying? That I can't stay here?

"But unless we officially adopt you, you can't stay with us."

"So Holly, what do you say? Do you wanna be a Castle?" Castle asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes! Definitely yes!"

If any Castle fan had the chance I be adopted by Castle and Beckett, they would not hesitate a second to say yes! I'm honored to become Holly Victoria Morris-Castle, adopted daughter of Kate and Rick Castle.


Author's Note: Hey people! Sorry for not updating, July had been hectic! Anyway, now that Holly is going to be officially adopted as a Castle, the story is coming to an end, I would just wrap up all lose ends and voila, I'm done! But don't worry, I have another Castle fan fiction in store, I'm working on chapter 1 ad the whole plot but I got an idea. I just posted a three-chapter story about little Johanna Castle called 'Bedtime Stories and Show and Tell', check it out! And as always, thanks for tuning in and reading!

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