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Holly's POV

My papers at school were all changed into Holly Castle, I love it, but when I wrote my new name on my homework paper this morning, Dylan noticed it.

"Holly... since when did your last name change from Morris to Castle?"

"Castle and Beckett adopted me, I'm now a Castle," I told him.

"Okay... so, do you maybe wanna, um, hang out at my place after school?"

"Why are you so keen on getting me over to your house?"

"No reason, I find you interesting to hang around, that's all."

I laughed and settled back into my chair.

During lunch I sat next to Dylan, Gloria and her wannabes took their chances, when Dylan went to get us desserts, she 'accidentally' dumped strawberry smoothie on me.

"What the hell?!" I yelled as I stood up.

"Oops, sorry, I'm a klutz," Gloria laughed.

I smiled evilly, I secretly reached for my chocolate milk and dumped it on her head while she was busy laughing with her wannabes.

Luckily they already finished lunch so they didn't have any food left, Dylan just came back shocked at what he saw, I noticed he had two brownies in hand.

"Thanks Dylan!"

I swiftly took my brownie and shoved it in Gloria's face.

Gloria was furious, she made a reach for Dylan's brownie, but he got it out of her way and stood behind me.

The girl threw a right hook in my face, I ducked and grabbed her arm, I held her hostage like how Beckett would.

Her wannabes came forward I fight, they are amateurs, one of them tried to free Gloria from my grip and one tried to hold my waist. I kicked the one behind me in the legs, then when that wannabe fell I spun around and kicked the other one in the stomach.

"Next time you try to mess with me, bear in mind that my mom and uncles are cops and my aunt has access to sharp objects," I said to Gloria.

I gave her a satisfy dunk into my spaghetti and I let her go.

"Sorry you had to see the Dylan, but I need to go clean up."

"I'll go with you!" Dylan offered.

"Wait!" Gloria arose from my spaghetti and grabbed Dylan's arm, "Stay with me, I need medical attention."

"All you got was your head shoved in brownie and spaghetti," Dylan said awkwardly.

"But she twisted my arm!" Gloria wailed.

"Bitch please! I just held your arm like Beckett would if she arrests someone! You are fine! But you do need a change of clothes," I said and left the cafeteria.

I went to my locker and got my spare uniform, then I ran into the changing room, hopped into one of the showers as got the smoothie off my head, I dressed myself as the bell rang.

I headed off to class and I saw Gloria there, with her hair wet and some of her makeup smeared with her wannabes beside her. I'm quite sure her face and hair smelled chocolate.

"Hey Holly! Saved you a seat!" Dylan said cheerfully.

"Thanks, about the fight..."

"About that, thank you so much for taking her down! I wanted revenge on that bitch for so long!"

"You aren't mad at me fighting another girl?"

"Why would I be? Do you have any idea how much I hate her?!"

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