The Castle Household

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Holly's POV

I stepped into the loft and it was fabulous, it was way better than the TV show, the loft is HUGE. I am considered rich in LA but my house wasn't half the size of the loft.

"So... you like it?" Beckett asked.

"Like it? I love it! It's huge!" I exclaimed.

"I'm glad you do, now you can take the guest room, then Kate will take you shopping for clothes. How does that sound?" Castle suggested.

"I would love to."

"Okay, your room is the second one on the right, you can come right down here if you are ready to go shopping," said Beckett.

I made my way to the room, it was so big! My room in LA was only half the size of this room! I roamed around like a princess, I started to sing "For the First Time in Forever' from Frozen, I know it is irrelevant but I feel like singing.

"Holly?" Beckett knocked on the door.

"Detective Beckett!" I said in surprise.

"You sing well."

"You sing better," I blushed.

"When did you hear me sing? I never sing, not in front of Castle."

"In season 3 you sang once in one of the cases."

"That was the first time I sang in front of anyone," Beckett chuckled.

"Let's go shopping!" I dragged Beckett out of the room.


The mall is amazing! Castle gave Beckett a credit card, so I don't have to worry about getting bankrupt.

I never saw Detective Beckett as a shopaholic, we kept shopping and drinking smoothies on the way.



"What is your family like?"

"Not much, my parents are rich and I have a little sister. I am one of the popular kids in school, but I'm just lazy, that's pretty much it."

"Cool, it must be pretty cool to have a little sister, being an only child is boring," she said.

"Actually I admire you Detective Beckett, you have been so strong through all the ups and downs."

"First, call me Kate, I can't stand you calling me Detective Beckett everywhere. Second, if Castle was never here, I would have never ever have the life I have now."

"I never had a boyfriend," I chuckled.

"It's a good thing actually, try to focus on school, it would be better, trust me."

"Alexis is great, she is so responsible, so beautiful, smart, fun and she has a boyfriend."

"Alexis is Castle's luck."

"If you had a daughter, what would you name her?" I asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious."

"I never really thought of it actually, I know that her middle name would be Johanna. Both Castle and I want her to be named after my mom."

"Or maybe her first name would be Hanna, shortened name of Johanna!"

"Hannah is your mom's name isn't it?"

"Yeah, Hannah and Holly, these two names always stick."

"What's your sister's name?"

"Hallie, after Hallie Parker from The Parent Trap," I said. My parents are obsessed with naming us names that start with a H.

"Cool, Hannah, Holly and Hallie, that's cute," Beckett commented.

"Alexis is a beautiful name, so is Johanna, I like the sound of that."

Beckett remained silent and tucked her hair behind her ear.

We shopped more than enough clothes and went home. It was the best shopping trip ever.


"You girls are gonna rob me of all my money!" Castle exclaimed as he saw our shopping bags.

"You got enough money for the whole precinct," Beckett said.

"Thankyou Mr Castle, that is very generous of you, I hope you don't mind me robbing you of all your money," I said politely.

"Your welcome Holly, it's my pleasure to help you out. By the way, just call me Rick or Castle, no need to be formal here."

"Okay Castle," I jumped to calling him by his last name.

"Alexis would be home tonight, we can properly introduce you to her," Castle announced.

"Will... will she like me?" I asked nervously. Alexis one of my favorite characters ever, I can't go with her hating me.

"She will love you, she has always wanted a little sister and you are just perfect," Beckett said reassuringly.

Oh I do hope Alexis likes me.


Author's Note: Okay! Sorry for not updating! I really don't want to write about Castle when there is nothing new about Castle, I guess no Castle for a month is really driving me nuts. Thanks for your patience!

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