Somewhere out there,
There's someone made just for me,
Their waiting for the moment where,
We finally will meet.
So far but near,
My ear, it hears,
Their voice,
The tears,
So many years,
We lost, but fear,
No longer dear,
For there is here,
And now,
Let's share,
Each moment we are given,
Not lost or hidden,
Finally forgiven,
The fates that have driven,
Souls connected by ribbon,
In perfect condition,
That no incision,
Can lead to division
cannot justify,
The love that shines in your eyes,
They paralyze,
What's been amplified,
By ones so mesmerized,
By one another
Don't you bother,
With words that come out improper,
Let's prosper in this love,
Which in our hearts we foster.
Hahaha, say that fast without getting tongue tied! Anyways, this is for the girlie at the top. Look her up, she's really good :) hoped you enjoyed this wacky poem!