Like a kitty pool you have no depth,
You make believe, you joke and jest,
That you are just like all the rest,
You think you're so much more, but I think less.
You're eyes see skinny, pretty,
Programmed to think, petty, silly,
What you think of hot, just might be chilly,
But there is a lot more to beauty.
Her eyes, his eyes, what do they tell?
Look carefully now, think, dwell,
Do they speak of joy or insufferable hell,
Don't turn away from them as well.
To truly see the core of a soul you turn your back,
A shameful act, remorse you lack,
You speak without filter, it's simple fact,
Your pumping heart is withered black.
Self pity you should wallow,
You follow, but can't swallow,
Come this precise hour tomorrow,
The world shall think of you as shallow.
Dedicated to the incredible bookworm_D, check out his work! Simply marvelous :) Hope you like it!