River of woe

121 6 4

The thoughts that make my throat tighten in shame,

I can never be stupid enough to give them a name,

I have suffered little compared to others.

They can't know I close my eyes to the fighting,

Constant screaming, scratching, biting,

Barely breathing from the hours that smother.


Please don't be fooled by my facade of laughter,

The smiles, the jokes, the conversations after,

For my heart remains heavy with grief.

I won't let you see my twisted smiling,

Slicing, sharpening, silently whining,

Dwelling in dark hopelessness that lacks belief.


A secret voice whispers things that make my toes curl,

Inside sits a tiny, frail body that once belonged to a girl,

She died ages ago.

None can know of her demise,

How she was taunted, locked up, hatefully despised,

Of how she'll forever sink in the river of woe.

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