I'm sorry

186 10 8


I'm sorry your feelings got hurt,

I'm not one to determine someone's worth,

Even happy places can be tainted by darkness.

My new eyes couldn't imagine,

Couldn't know, couldn't fathom,

Such hostility under a facade of happiness.


I'm sorry you cried,

When some blamed you or lied,

About something you didn't do or say.

Can my words help,

Heal the pain of your whelp,

On your soul that can't seem to fade?


I'm sorry I don't understand,

Why you stop holding hands,

With the person who once was your friend.

We get into spats

But remember the fact,

That you helped one another in the end.


I'm sorry if this doesn't work,

And these words drown in the murk,

Of the water that's slowly rising.

But my heart is too heavy,

I'm not strong or steady,

Against the wave of despair an argument is disguising.


I'm sorry I'm so dense,

Trying to make sense,

Of how this all went down.

Both of my friends,

Cannot make amends,

And thusly can't save me as I drown...


Once the two people who reads this understand, please know that I mean no harm..I'm just incredibly sad and feel like wattpad maybe isn't for everyone...but as a member, I'd be destroyed if someone left. I've only been active for a month and this seems like high school drama. Please know that I love you both and hope that one day your able to speak again. Sorry if this offends, I'm just really sad. I cherish you both.

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