Chapter 9

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Annabeth's POV
I had to tell Percy that I didn't want to go to school with him, well, that I couldn't go to school with him because I was going with Piper.

Hopefully he won't be upset, he's probably going to school with Jason anyway.

So, after a while of calculating all of Percy's reactions, I mustered up the courage to go talk to him.

I approached the Poseidon cabin and knocked on the door. Tyson came up and answered it.

"Oh, hey Tyson. Is Percy here?"

"Yeah he's here, brother come to the door."

Tyson moved out of the way to reveal an overly excited Percy, his sea green eyes twinkling.

"Hey Annabeth what's up?"

"Hey, can I come in? I need to talk to you about something."


As I walked into the cabin at Percy's heels, he shot Tyson a look. Probably saying get out. So Tyson left and Percy motioned for me to sit down.

"So what is it you want to talk about?"

"Well, I just wanted to tell you I'm not going to go to school with you this year, because I'm going with Piper."

Expecting to see his mood drop, he looked just as happy as he was before. "That's great because I was gonna tell you that I'm going to school with Jason." Percy wiggled his eyebrows at this making me laugh.

"Oh so that's why you're so happy today seaweed brain."

"I guess so. So where are you guys going to school?"

"I think she said something about going to school in Denver."

"No way."

"What?" I asked. It seemed impossible, but Percy's mood got even better.

"Jason and I are going to school in Colorado Springs. Maybe on vacation and school breaks we can come to Denver and see you guys."

"Sure, that sounds like fun. I'll run it by Piper later."

"And I'll tell Jason."

Percy sighed and flopped onto his bed. "Life is great."

I looked back at him and he looked so happy. I've never seen him like this, I like it.

"Well, Percy. It was nice seeing you."

I got up to leave but Percy grabbed my arm and turned me around. "You gonna leave without a hug?"

I groaned, but before I could escape Percy wrapped me in a bear hug. I could faintly smell salty ocean water and blue cookies. I'll miss that smell.

"Okay, bye Percy." I said as I wiggled out of his hug and got out of his cabin as fast as possible.

This school year is going to rock.

Piper's POV
I went to my cabin to pack for school. I didn't have much.

Just a couple of camp half blood t-shirts, and some other clothes. I had my dagger and a couple of other mementos but that was about it.

I decided to leave and go help Annabeth pack.

When I went to her cabin, no one answered so I walked in.

Annabeth had a bag on her bed with somethings, so I decided to pack the rest.

She had just as little clothes as me, her laptop and headphones, blueprints, and books. Lots and lots of books.

Once I finished zipping up the bag Annabeth walked in.

"Piper, hey, what are you doing?"

"I packed your bag for you. Don't worry Wise Girl, I made sure to pack all of your books."

She scowled at me, and then laughed. "Did you make sure to pack all of your makeup Beauty Queen?"

"Oh I see, Leo talked to you too huh?"

"Yeah, I tried to lock him out, but he put a wrench in the door." I laughed out loud. "Did you hear Jason and Percy are going to school in Colorado Springs?"

"I didn't, hopefully they'll come to visit us."

"Oh, they are." Annabeth said

Before we could speak further the bell rang for dinner. "Well, I guess we should go to dinner."

"Yeah." Together Annabeth and I walked out of the cabin in silence all the way to dinner.

We parted ways and I sat down at the Aphrodite table.

I could barely hear Drew's snotty remarks about how the Hephaestus cabin dresses because I was busy thinking.

This is my last meal at camp half blood for the summer. Wow. I'm going to miss this.

Annabeth's POV
Dinner went by fast. I watched Piper and she stared off into space.

She was probably thinking about how much she's gonna miss camp.

I'm not going to lie, I was also thinking, not about how I'm going to miss camp. I'll be back in a year. I was thinking about how amazing school is going to be.

After dinner, I went back to my cabin and easily fell asleep. I couldn't wait for tomorrow morning.

Piper's POV
I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Piper, wake up, or you're gonna miss the bus."

"Ten more minutes." I groaned wanting them to go away. But they wouldn't.

"Piper come on." Ugh, it was Drew. "I just want you out of this cabin, go, go, go."

"I'm up, and I can't wait to get away from you." I sat up rubbing my eyes and got dressed. I grabbed my bag and said my goodbyes to my siblings.

I grudgingly walked all the way up half blood hill to wait for the bus.

On the hill Percy and Jason were cuddled next to each other on the ground and Annabeth was looking around at the camp.

I walked up to her and said, "Morning."

"Look who's up." She half said, half laughed as she ruffled my already messed up hair.

"I know, I usually don't wake up this early."

"Piper, it's 8am."

"I know, it's so early." All Annabeth did was just laugh and shake her head.

The bus arrived and we all put our stuff in and got situated in our seats. Of course, Jason and Percy sat next to each other.

I walked all the way down to the last aisle on the bus and sat down next to the window.

Annabeth came and sat down next to me. She smiled and then grabbed a book from her bag.

I smiled at her then went to look out the window.

Annabeth's POV
The drive didn't take long, being a magical bus and all.

Percy and Jason were the first stop, Piper and I got up to give them hugs.

"Promise you'll visit us this winter?" I asked.

"Aw, I couldn't say no to you two." Jason joked.

"Of course we'll visit." Percy insisted.

"Make sure to bring lots of blue cookies Percy!" Piper yelled as they started getting off the bus.

After sitting down and waiting a couple of minutes, the bus driver announced we had reached Denver.

I got up and looked over at Piper. "Ready to go?" I asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." She responded with a smile.

So we grabbed our bags, thanked the bus driver, and started walking to our apartment.

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