Chapter 13

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Piper's POV
Annabeth dragged me out into the pouring rain so we could go somewhere.

Where that was, I had no idea.

I was shivering and cold to the bone. Annabeth could see this and she grabbed my hand.

It warmed me up a bit so I looked over at her and smiled. "S-so w-where we g-going?" I asked with chattering teeth.

"Somewhere to eat." And sure enough a little while longer we arrived at a vegetarian restaurant.

Together we walked inside and the heater was on, so it gave me a lot of relief.

"Go find us a booth, I'll order." Annabeth ordered.

"Okay." I said.

I scanned the restaurant. There was an elderly couple in the front and that was it, completely abandoned. So I walked all the way to the back and sat down in a booth.

I rubbed my hands together to warm up as Annabeth walked over.

Expecting her to sit on the other side of the booth facing me, it took me by surprise when she sat on the bench right next to me.

So close I could feel her heartbeat and hear her breathing.

"The waitress said it would be a ten minute wait." Annabeth told me.

"Ten minutes? But there's no one here." I was so confused.

"It's okay, we can wait ten minutes."

"Yeah." I grumbled. Actually pretty hungry.

I must have still been chattering my teeth, shivering, or something because Annabeth wrapped her arms around my waist and dropped her head onto my shoulder.

I casually wrapped one arm around her and put my head on top of hers.

Finally our food came, it smelled delicious and I ate every single thing on the plate.

Annabeth was still eating, so I did what she did and wrapped my arms around her waist and laid my head on her shoulder.

I wish she would never stop finishing whatever she ordered, but she did and said, "Lets go."

"Do we have too? It's so nice and warm here, I don't wanna go into the icy rain." I complained like a child.

"Well, too bad Beauty Queen. Get up."
She stood up and walked towards the door, when she got there she motioned for me to follow.

Reluctantly I got up and walked to her side, she grabbed my hand and together we stepped into the cold rain.

As we were walking back to the apartment we ran into Hazel and Nico from school.

"Piper?" Hazel asked cheerfully.

"Oh hi Hazel. Nico." I said with a nod in his direction. There was a bit of awkward silence before Hazel said, "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

She smiled and then looked down, she must have noticed Annabeth and I holding hands because her smile faded.

"Right." I said trying to make her happy. "This is Annabeth, we live together."

Hazel gave a forced smile. "Oh that'"

"And Annabeth this is Hazel and Nico I met them at school, they live in the same apartment complex as us. They're also siblings."

"Pleasure to meet you." Annabeth said with a smile. She let go of my hand and held it out for them.

Nico and Hazel both took it. Then there was more awkward silence.

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