Chapter 15

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Piper's POV
I called Chiron and told him Annabeth and I were having an argument and that we couldn't stand to see each other.

He said that he had another apartment close to my school, but far away from Annabeth that I could go to.

It was basically the same design as my old apartment. But there was a one bed in the bedroom.

As I unpacked my stuff I was so angry at Annabeth.

Now I had to go out and buy new food.

I never want to see her ever again.

Annabeth's POV
I hated Piper so much. I was glad she left.

Though I had no idea where she'd go.

I packed all of her stuff up in one of my bags and threw it in some random cabinet.

I locked the front door too, hoping that she wouldn't try to sneak back in during the night.

But as I tried to fall asleep that night I couldn't. It was difficult.

As much as I was stubborn and always wanted to win, this fight was something I was not proud of.

I didn't fall asleep to the sound of Piper's light breathing, I fell asleep from exhaustion.

What was I going to do? I messed up my one chance at true love.

I needed to find Piper and forgive her.

Piper's POV
I thought school would be depressing, that something would go wrong.

But it dawned on me that Hazel still didn't know I wa-. Used to date Annabeth, so she probably still like me.

So when lunched rolled around I had fun.

Nico taught me some tips and tricks in Mythomagic and even gave me his figurine of Aphrodite.

I found out Leo was really good with building and crafts. He gave me a little wooden box he made in wood shop.

It was smooth and the carvings in it were really nice. "I can't take this Leo. You worked real hard on it."

"No, keep it. I made one for everyone. And it didn't take much work at all." Then just to prove his point he gave the rest of them boxes with different carvings on them too.

It turned out Will was really good at first aid and offered to meet up with me sometime to teach me CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver.

Hazel and I started to get really close. I told her after we'd been caught kissing I decided to get a place of my own, she seemed to like that idea.

I gave her my new address and she came over a lot. Mainly we worked on finishing our projects and homework. But we also hung out a lot.

We would spend endless hours gossiping about our friend group.

Leo had started going out with this girl from another school named Calypso. Will and Nico also started dating.

According to Hazel, Nico had a big crush on Will forever. But they were always hanging out which is why Hazel came to my place a lot.

After a couple of months I forgot about Annabeth. I forgot about all my problems.

Life seemed normal. Something most demigods don't get very much.

Jason and I texted talking about life. I didn't have the heart to tell him about Annabeth, so I made stuff up.

Whatever I did with Hazel was replaced with the name Annabeth.

Jason and Percy's relationship excelled and they enjoyed spending their time together.

So everything was happy. My daily routine started to consist of eating, sleeping, school, and hanging out with Hazel and my other friends.

One day I decided to go to Bean to get some coffee. When I turned the corner I saw Annabeth sitting at one of the outdoor tables.

I thought she was alone, but I realized she was talking to a tall guy with blonde hair.

I could tell that the guy liked her, but because I couldn't see Annabeth's face I couldn't tell if the feeling was mutual or not.

As I walked away in the opposite direction of Annabeth, I felt jealous. I immediately pushed the feeling away.

Annabeth and I are over, she's found someone, I've found someone.

But the jealous feeling still lingered in the bottom of my heart.

Annabeth's POV
For months and months I tried to find where Piper lived. All dead ends. Nothing.

I would have dropped everything and start a full on expedition to find her, but I had school to worry about.

My friendships with all my friends at school got better.

Reyna was a hard shell to crack, but eventually her eyes didn't radiate hatred and she actually smiled at me.

Frank and I were already friends so that was good. He told me he liked this girl from another school but wouldn't say who.

Calypso and I got along really well. She didn't seem so shy. She even told me that she was dating a boy at Piper's school named Leo.

And Luke and I got along so well. We hung out a lot. Though I never asked him. He always invited me places.

I would hate him at first, because all I wanted to do was to find Piper and do research.

But in the end we would have a lot of fun.

Things were great.

I texted Percy a lot. I told him about my fight with Piper. He said that Piper talked to Jason and acted as if nothing happened.

Obviously because she didn't want to make Jason try to make things right. So Percy and I agreed not to tell him the truth.

Other than that Percy and Jason had a great relationship going. It made me sad to see that it was going well for them ever since they left camp.

Because ever since Piper and I left camp, our relationship has just gone downhill.

I would make things right. I just needed to find Piper first.

I was sitting at the table in the kitchen eating dinner trying to find a way to find Piper.

That's when I heard yelling from the next door.

"Nico! Stop making out with Will! I'm trying to watch a movie!"

HAZEL! She was how I could get to Piper. No doubt there were still friends.

Then I got sad. They were probably dating too. They definitely were.

But I had to focus and soon a plan formulated in my mind.

Today was Friday, so Hazel was probably going to hang out with Piper tomorrow. I would follow her to Piper, and then things would go on from them.

So the next day rolled around and I listened.

I pressed my ear against the wall listening to everything Hazel, Nico, and this Will boy said.

I hate to admit it, but I couldn't hear that well so I pressed a cup against the wall.

I'm NOT proud. But I helped a lot. Because that's how I heard, "Nico, I'm heading to Piper's place."

"Okay." Was his muffled response.

I pulled on my coat and watched Hazel leave the building from the peephole on the front door.

Piper's house wasn't far. Just a block or two down the street from her school.

I watched as Piper opened the door and greeted Hazel with a hug. I got so jealous and was about to run across the street and pummel Hazel.

But I stopped myself and wrote down Piper's address.

Finally I knew where she was. The plan began to fully formulate in my head.

I was going to get my Pipes back if it's the last thing I do.

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