Rise From The Ashes Like A Phoenix

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I don't own Naruto, if I did Sasuke would not be such an asshole Itachi would be alive in Konoha and Naruto would have a harem army of women.


Naruto let out hoarse screams as he struggled against his restraints, aggravating his scars and lacerations, making the pain even more unbearable. Naruto kept squirming as he watched as the fire crept up his body. Naruto cried out in pain. Naruto's tears evaporated as soon as they came. Though most noises were blocked out by his screams Naruto could faintly hear the cheering of people outside of his apartment complex. Naruto soon stopped struggling as he lost feeling in his body and red crept into his vision.

Naruto's mind was clear for the first time today. 'I hate them, stupid villagers, hurting me for no reason. I guess this is how I die, this was one hell of a tenth birthday' Naruto thought dully. Naruto's head tilted to the side as he looked at his wall and accepted his fate. Naruto laid for a minute before aggravation and rage ripped through his body. ' No fuck this I will not lay down and die like a swine to the slaughter.' Naruto thought as he thrashed around.

Naruto was filled to the brim with panic as he slowly lost consciousness. Naruto shot to his feet in panic as he took in his surrounding, he was no longer in a burning building, he was now in what looked like a sewer but everything was frozen over and the only warmth was coming from further down. Naruto walked on the frozen water after a while the ice seemed to be getting more brittle as Naruto walked his foot sunk into the water Naruto gulped as he continued walking.


" Hello is anyone there," Naruto said, summoning up all of his courage as he stared into the seemingly empty cage. Naruto steeled his heart as he saw two red eyes slowly opening illuminating the cage. Out of nowhere, light filled the room. Naruto stared in awe At the Fox as at sat there its nine tail flailing behind it, It's face twisted into a sneer. 'Majestic.' Naruto thought absent-minded.

The Kyuubi's eyes widened before his left eye twitched. " Annoying Ningen I am not majestic I am evil incarnate the king of demon and Kitsune kind I am the Kyuubi no Kitsune, bow before me puny kit." The Kyuubi roared.

" Huh, wait, the Kyubi I thought that the Fourth killed you," Naruto said in shock as he stared at the being. Naruto was about to say something else when he was dragged into saw type of portal.


When Naruto opened his eyes again and mentally shivered he was surrounded by snow and ice as far as the eyes could see. He could not feel the cold but he had been homeless for at least two years before he got his own apartment and knew all to well what the feeling of being encompassed by snow and ice felt like.

Naruto walked aimlessly for a moment before he came across a man who was sitting by a strange blue fire.

" Uhm, excuse me could you tell me where I am," Naruto asked the man almost timidly. The man jerked his head towards Naruto in shock, obviously not expecting anyone to be here for a while. The man smirked.

" So someone was deemed worthy by my sister to wield my power." The man smirked before he was in front of Naruto no leaving a trail nor disturbing any of the snow. The man touched Naruto's head as his eye's glowed white and he re-lived Naruto's life in light-speed. The man nodded sadly. " Boy my name is Hikami the god of ice." Hikami smiled as he took Naruto's hand into his own. " I too deem you worthy to wield my power, at such a tender age you have suffered through so much pain and yet you continued on with a smile," Hikami said as his eyes glowed once more.

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