Someone Like Me

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Naruto sighed in annoyance as he put his signature on another denied Marriage Proposal. Ever since Naruto declared himself clan head he had been getting marriage proposals left and right. one family even put their unborn daughter up. ' This is so boring I'll just make a clone do it,' Naruto thought as he leaned back in his chair and took in information from his shadow clones that had going over his father's items. Naruto Stood up pushing his chair back as a  clone walked out of his body taking some chakra with it.

" You finish these and find me afterward," Naruto told his clone that nodded and gave an "Hai". Naruto walked through his house with a content sigh before shunshin'ing towards training ground seven where Hinata and Sasuke were sparring.

" Sup guys sparing without me again how sad," Naruto said with a fake pout causing Hinata and Sasuke to roll their eyes.

" Sup mister Uzumaki clan head, how's all that paper work treating you," Hinata said with a smirk causing Naruto to groan at the thought of paper work and Hinata to snicker.

" Some lady tried to have me marry her unborn daughter," Naruto said with an annoyed sigh. Hinata frowned at the thought of marriage proposals.

" I know my Naruto-kun wouldn't accept any of those proposals without my consent or I'd castrate him isn't that right," Hinata said with a threatening undertone that made Naruto pale and Sasuke stared off into space.

" What makes you think I would even think of accepting any of these bastards children as a bride *tch* as if," Naruto said uncaringly waving. Hinata seemed content at his answer.

" So when do you think Kakashi-sensei will get here," Naruto asked his team mates who shrugged. Naruto and his team engaged in small talk as they waited for Kakashi who appeared minutes later in a cloud of smoke.

" Yo, sorry I'm late, I was sent on a secret mission to save a princess from a gang of SSS class shinobi single handily and then I won a lifetime supply of limited addition Icha Icha paradise," Kakashi said with an eye smile causing his team to roll their eyes all at once.

" Yeah right Kakashi that one has gotten old you should come up with something else,"  Naruto said with a sigh.

" Well I'm sad to inform you that there will be no training today because I signed you up for the chunin exams that Konoha will be hosting in two weeks, Here take these forms and have a parent or guardian sign them hand them to me next time you see me," Kakashi said before turning around only to sweatdrop seeing his team standing in front of him with the forms signed themselves with their hands out. Kakashi nodded dumbly taking the paper.

" So you guys want to go to Ichiraku's ramen to celebrate our admission to the exams," Naruto said eyeing Sasuke who had been distant ever since the wave mission and not really talking to him that much.

" No I've got to, train," Sasuke said stoically turining away and walking home not noticing the worried glance Naruto sent his way.

" I guess this is a date then huh, Nata-chan," Naruto said still staring at Sasuke's retreating figure. Hinata cast a worried glance at Sasuke and gave Naruto a sad look.

" Actually father told to get back to the compound for training after team training I think he suspected that Kakashi would sign us up," Hinata said sadly causing Naruto to fake a smile and nod.

" No, It's ok Hinata-chan we need to be in our best shape so that we can all pass and hopefully stay in the same squad," Naruto said with a smile giving Hinata a hug and a kiss before she walked away.

Naruto walked for a moment before he encountered team 8 who were arguing amongst each other.

" No dogs are better than bugs any day, the only things your partners are good for are creeping out the enemy," Kiba yelled at Shino who remained impassive.

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