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Naruto and Hinata had got to Tazuna's house late that night with the ladder walking with a strange limp and the former with a satisfied grin. The next morning when Naruto and Hinata got out of the bed that they were sharing and walked down the stairs they were met with the sight of Kakashi had been awake indulging in his book as Kurenai glared heatedly at the masked pervert.

" I I wasn't injured right now I would tear that book from your hands tear it to shreds in front of your eye's and then rip our eyes out so you could never read again," Kurenai growled angrily.

" You know he could always get the book in brail right Yuuhi-san," Naruto said with a smirk causing the red eyed Genjutsu Mistress to flush in embarrassment.

" So I noticed you two got here really late last night looking quite, might I say satisfied," Kakashi said with an eye smile causing both of the genin to turn red in embarrassment. Kurnai's eyes went wide as she realized what Kakashi was insinuating.

" Are you sure you're going to be ready for training today you seemed to have a limp in your walk Hinata," Kakashi said causing her to blush even brighter than before while Kurenai's face flushed at the awkward conversation. Before Kakashi could continue tormenting to young couple Sasuke walked downstairs rubbing his eyes, the genin of team 8 followed soon after that.

" Well now that everyone is awake it's time you inform us of what our role will be in this whole thing," Kakashi said closing his book and looking at Kurenai who nodded wincing a bit.

" Well we thought we were ready but we weren't so we called in for backup, Team 7 your job will be working alongside us Team 8 to ensure the safety of Tazuna and his family and make sure that nothing impedes the building of the Wave bridge," Kurenai told them making all of them nod.

" Breakfast is ready if you guys are hungry right now," Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter called out from the kitchen. The group of Konoha nin ate their breakfast in silence. After breakfast was over Naruto created twenty reinforced shadow clones capable of sustaining large amounts of damage before dispelling. Two guarding each window and entrance and two guarding the inside of the house and its residents as Kakashi made two shadow clones to guard Tazuna at the bridge.

Team 8 and 7 were standing in a clearing surrounded mostly by trees and a creek about two miles North of their location.

" Ok, genin today we'll be learning how to climb trees," Kakashi said with an eye smile enjoying the annoyed look he got from most of them.

" But Kakashi-sensei we already know how to climb trees," Came Sakura's intelligent reply.

" Oh did I forget to say you can't use your hands, here let me demonstrate," Kakashi said as he walked up to a tree and put his foot on it and then proceded to walk up the tree never once looking up from his book.

" You have to concentrate your chakra to your feet to stick, if you put too much you fly off if you put too little you slip," Kakashi said jumping off of the top branch and throwing kunai at their feet.

" Use those to mark your progress," Kakashi said with a smile before leaning against a random tree. All of team 7 began the exercise while team 8 just talked amongst each other.

" Aren't you going to attempt the tree climbing my cute genin," Kakashi said with a smile noticing their eye twitch at being called cute.

" baka-ero-sensei we already know how to do this along with water walking, kunai balancing, leaf dancing, and kunai walking," Naruto said shocking Kakashi, especially with the last part. For kunai walking, you stick the hilt of at least 20 kunai in the ground and walk on the tips using chakra on the small individual spots to make sure that they don't stab you if you put too much chakra the kunai you're walking on will explode if you put too little the will stab your feet, failure is quite painful.

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