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Naruto sped through the village at almost inhuman speeds as everything blew past him in flashed of colors, but Naruto's eyes picked up on everything in his surrounding. ' Dammit why did my compound have to be on the far east side of the village,' Naruto cursed inwardly as he channeled chakra into his legs which allowed him to go faster than before. ' What the hell are you thinking Saskue?' Naruto thought to himself as the air seemed to explode around him. 

Naruto traveled at speeds rivaled by none, but at that moment it mattered little to him. Naruto's clothes were burning at the edges and his sandals had long since been reduced to ashes due to his speeds. Naruto's eyes locked onto a lone hulking figure about a second ahead of him which meant the man was one or two miles away. If anything Naruto sped up.


Jirobo stood lookout for his camp that was forty meters away. Jirobo heard a boom and everything went black as his spine was reduced to dust due to a powerful punch landed directly on his solar plexus.


Naruto didn't waste any time on Jirobo as he prepared to take off. An explosion propelled him forward. Naruto caught himself mid-air as he turned and landed on a tree. Naruto looked up and was met with a large grey meaty fist. Naruto lifted his arms up to block. Naruto was sent flying through the tree.

Naruto stood up and shook the cobwebs from his head. Naruto was barely given time to react as the humanoid was upon him once again. Naruto growled in anger as he summoned his swords. " I hope you enjoy hell you fat bastard," Naruto screamed in anger as he disappeared and then reappeared behind the larger genin. 

Jirobo remained motionless as multiple red lines began appearing on his skin in a cubed pattern. 

Naruto dashed off toward the four rapidly retreating chakra signatures without staying to watch as Jirobo hit the ground and split into tiny bloody pieces.

' They're trying to take Sasuke-nii-san away from me like they took old man Hokage,' Naruto thought in rage as his speed sextupled. Naruto noticed that one of the chakra signatures stopped as the others kept going.


Kidomaru had cold sweat coming down his back as he felt the monstrous chakra coming towards him. Kidomaru quickly covered the area with his signature gold web and activated his curse mark's second stage before hiding in a tree twelve meters away.

Kidomaru let out a shaky breath as he calmed himself and opened his third eye while drawing his arrow.

 Kidomaru watched as Naruto stopped right in front of one of his hidden webs. ' Tch, damn it why did they leave me with the beast, we all know he killed Jirobo the strongest on our team third to myself, but that means nothing now considering how fast Jirobo was killed,' Kimomaru thought angrily as he mused on the fact that his "team" sacrificed him.

Kidomaru shot four arrows towards Naruto who remained in that spot but his head snapped towards Kidomaru's position. " You want to fucking play, let's go then bitch. ; Frozen Release: Land of Frozen Dreams; " Naruto called out as he released some of his chakra into the clearing. 

Before the arrows could touch Naruto they froze in mid-air before shattering like glass. Kidomaru felt a chill run up his spine as he found that he could no longer move. Kidomaru allowed his eyes to wander downward as he stared at the cube of ice he was entrapped in that had sealed his imminent demise. Kidomaru on instinct blasted his chakra outward in an act of self-preservation, it did not work.

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