Chunin Exams P7

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The last match, which was, Choji and Duso had ended in Duso winning because he called Choji fat and then took advantage of Choji's rage to beat him.

Sasuke was taken by Kakashi to train for his next match against Gaara and Hinata had to train in her 'Flowing Gentle Fist' style along with other clan duties, leaving Naruto with tokubetsu jonin Ebisu Rame.

" Ok, so what are we doing first," Naruto asked in a not very enthusiastic tone. I mean can you blame him he had one month to train and he had to train with someone who probably wouldn't even last five minutes against him.

" Well we are going to be learning how to walk in water," Ebisu said with his classic grin,  Naruto's eye twitched in annoyance, did this asshole even read his skill report, he could sleep on water with no problem.

"  I already know how to walk on water, and before you say anything else that will get you punched, I don't need help on any chakra control training so, try again," Naruto said in annoyance, Ebisu was wide-eyed for a second before he had another idea.

" Ok then, I'll teach you the basics of chakra manipulation," Ebisu said with a grin expecting Naruto to be ecstatic. Naruto's eye twitched before he sighed and walked up to Ebisu and punched him on the head before walking away.

" This was a waste of time," Naruto grumbled in annoyance as he walked through the streets with both hands behind his head. Naruto walked to the hot springs section to bathe when he heard perverted giggling coming from the female section of the baths. 

Naruto walked towards the noise and saw an old man with platinum hair looking through a small hole in the wall. Naruto's eye twitched. Naruto walked past the man into the female section of the baths.


Jiraiya watched as the girls talked and giggled touching each other's breast and measuring themselves. Jiraiya sensed someone coming from behind him.  The person stood for a while before walking towards the female entrance. Jiraiya watched in shock as a teen walked into the female section, without getting screamed at or beaten. 

The boy was about five foot eleven so he was like five inches shorter than himself, He was wearing a tight black shirt that hugged his chiseled chest and abs, his hair was spiky and had a brilliant yellow color with white highlights, he was wearing black cargo jogger pants that had numerous pockets, the thing that stood out the most was that every article of clothes he had on had the Uzumaki symbol on them.

" Naruto-chan," They all squealed jumping towards him without even covering themselves. Jiraiya's eye twitched in annoyance. This lucky fucking brat. Naruto, as they called him, shook his head in annoyance. The boy pointed in Jiraiya's direction as he whispered to the small group of girls that somehow wrapped themselves in towels in less than a second.

 Jiraiya's eyes widened when he saw all of the girls turn in his direction with an ominous aura surrounding them. The boy left the bath before turning to Jiraiya and patting him on the shoulder.

" Good luck, hentai," Naruto said the last part under his breath but Jiraiya still heard it. Jiraiya turned to run but found that he could not move. Jiraiya looked down at where the boy patted him and saw the paralysis seal on his shoulder. 'Well Fuck,' Jiraiya thought when the girls walked out of the bath fully dressed and looking for a victim.


Naruto walked away with satisfaction written on his face hearing the pained cries of the man. ' I wonder what Nata-hime is doing,' Naruto thought with a sigh. Naruto paused when he felt a somewhat familiar chakra signature coming in his direction. Naruto turned around and stood there chains coming from his lower back.

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