Living with Who!!!!

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I don't own Naruo.


Hiruzen sighed as he stared at Naruto's resting form. ' He looks so different,' Hiruzen thought, absentmindedly, as he scanned over Naruto's body. Naruto's hair now had white highlights, Naruto grew about twelve inches making him taller than someone his age should be, Naruto's skin was so pale it was almost translucent, and every time Naruto exhaled frost came out of his mouth, like breathing in the winter time.


Naruto's eye's fluttered open as he observed his surroundings while not getting up. Naruto felt oddly calm, ' I will get my revenge,' Naruto thought bitterly as his mind relaid the beating. Naruto had already memorized all of the face's because while he was sleeping the only thing he saw was the beating the people's faces as the beat him sometimes they would warp into hideous demons and grow black tendrils that restrained him before they impaled his body repeatedly to substitute for the many times thy villagers stabbed him.

Naruto sat up when he heard a door opening. Naruto watched the blonde haired nurse walk to his bed cautiously.

" H-how are you feeling," The lady stuttered a bit put off by the cold calculating look in his eyes and the frost steadily growing on the windows. Naruto looked t her face and scanned his memory and found nothing.

" What? None of the usual 'Go to hell' or dose of poison?," Naruto sneered spitefully as he glared at her. The lady gasped.

" Why would I ever poison a child? I'm a doctor, not a monster, I was told what happened and really just wanted to help," The nurse said in shock. Naruto put on a mask of indifference.

" Get the hell out of my room, take that pity of yours and shove it cause I don't fucking want nor need it," Naruto growled. The lady was taken aback by the child's language. From what the Hokage and other people, who didn't have biased opinions about him, told her, he was usually kind and caring. The lady was broken out of her musing when she noticed the child walking past her.

" Hey w-wait where are you going you need to have your check-up," The lady yelled as she chased after him. Naruto turned to her with an icy glare.

" I told you to leave and you didn't so I left so piss off and leave me the fuck alone I will not sit there and wallow in others pity I'm way past that so take it and give it to some dying piece of shit, just don't come near me with it," Naruto almost screamed. He was tired of being pitied. He was not the old Naruto who let people walk all over him with a smile, that Naruto died and he rose from the corpse a new and improved Naruto.

" How dare you speak to her like that you wretched de-," The old man yelling was silenced by Naruto. : Frozen Release: Ice Coffin: Naruto growled while the man was talking, in a split second Ice shot from Naruto's hand and the man was encased in ice.

" I will absolutely not tolerate the belittling of my name any further, so unless you want to end up a popsicle I suggest you address me as Naruto Uzumaki, anything less will end up getting you killed," Naruto sneered as he silently relished the fear on all of their faces.

Naruto focused his chakra outwards and molded it into an oval. A thin sheet of ice appeared in front of Naruto. Naruto stepped through will little to no resistance. When Naruto stepped out of the ice he was standing in front of the Hokage's desk who seemed to be indulging himself in his reading of a small orange book. Naruto made two cough sounds to alert the Hokage of his presence.

" Ahh it's not what it loo-, Oh Hello Naruto-kun I see you out of the hospital and you're in rather good shape. Naruto, I was actually preparing to go see you to inform you of your new living arrangements," Hiruzen smiled when he saw Naruto pop a small grin.

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